Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Ellen called ------------ very depressed. She said she had nearly attempted suicide two months ago. As she talked, Ellen made it clear that she was willing to try again. She kept saying that there was no hope. She stated that she had prayed that God would change her many times, but her fears only got worse. Though she has a steady job, all interaction with people scared her. About a month ago, a friend offered to drive her to a therapist, but on the way, Ellen said she couldn’t go through with it and made her friend bring her back home. Despite a lengthy conversation with --------------------, Ellen resisted suggestions that there were alternatives and would not agree to a "Contract for Life." --------- determined that an intervention was necessary. Local officials were contacted. After they assessed Ellen, she was admitted to a hospital for treatment.
I have just read something and all I can say is, "pathetic, you are truly pathetic, and at the same time content in your little world of supporters". So all in all i guess thats ok, right. if someone is content no matter how pathetic one may think they are.. as long as they are content that's all that matters .... to them anyway.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
The funny thing is
There is one thing that is true no matter what else happens in the world, life goes on. I have to convince myself now that I can either hang on something that happened and in effect live for the past, or look fwd to what is yet to come and deal with the present. Now if only i member that
John 12:26
Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.
If only
I look beyond the empty cross forgetting what my life has cost and wipe away the crimson stains and dull the nails that still remain More and more I need you now, I owe you more each passing hour the battle between grace and pride I gave up not so long ago So steal my heart and take the pain and wash the feet and cleanse my pride take the selfish, take the weak, and all the things I cannot hide take the beauty, take my tears the sin-soaked heart and make it yours take my world all apart take it now, take it now and serve the ones that I despise speak the words I can't deny watch the world I used to love fall to dust and thrown away
Came across this and it made me think.
"Most people only make one mistake in life - They fail to give there life to the Lord - Everything else, is the result of there first mistake."
"Most people only make one mistake in life - They fail to give there life to the Lord - Everything else, is the result of there first mistake."
Monday, September 13, 2004
My life?
You ever have someone try to run your life when you didn't want them to? It works for me and I am now telling you. Say to them, "Get a life dude, go away!".
Oh, there's other people?
One of the best thing about haveing 164 first cousins... Oh there are other people in the world?
Alcohol and Christians
Alcohol and Christians-Do they mix, should they mix? I've been told that they do mix and they should mix. But I think that they do not mix and they should not mix. Alot of people use scripture to see how much it allows them to do. They use it to draw the line for them and then see how close to the line they can get. But what the heck, right, if we go over the line that scripture allows, then grace kicks in and we're cool anyway. That's not how it works! It seems that some people think that the Christian life is like the perfect machine with all the right saftey features. "I'm allowed to do this to this extent but no more. But in the event that I go past the line allowed by God, , the saftey feature of grace will kick in and i'm safe anyway". That seems to be the mind-set. But it's not true. All the scriptures that say that Jesus drank wine and all that are null in this day and age. And especially null after reading 1 Thessalonians 5:22 "Avoid even the appearance of evil". To put it in context, think of it like this- You walk into a party and see everyone holding a can of Miller or a bottle of Mikes Lemonade, do we think Christian? Most would say not. My point is that Jesus said that we will be recognized as Christians by how we behave/act or something to that effect. I think that we would be stating that Christians can't have fun without be intoxicated. And to disagree would be crazy because if it were no so, then why alcohol, why not soda. The answer must be because alcohol has an affect on the body that soda cannot have. Therefore intoxicating. Sure, maybe not serious intoxication but an effect none the less. The reason why I even brought up the subject is because this past week instead of going to church, a bunch of kids were supplied with alcohol by a 26 year old dim-wit and most of them helped themselves to it. Now the reason for the subject is if it were ok for Christians to drink. Then why should I be concerned for the kids? Just for the reason that they are not 21? I don't think that is the problem here. (actually the whole prob was peer pressure) but that's beside the point. If alcohol is ok for Christians, then why not drugs too?? They have the same effect to some extent.
I prayed a collective prayer for anyone who uses the Bible to support their 'social drinking'. I think it is more of a 'giving into the peer pressure' of their unsaved or backsliding friends. I don't think there is anyone who would disagree that alcohol is the biggest destroyer of familys, of lives, etc. It's just wrong!
I prayed a collective prayer for anyone who uses the Bible to support their 'social drinking'. I think it is more of a 'giving into the peer pressure' of their unsaved or backsliding friends. I don't think there is anyone who would disagree that alcohol is the biggest destroyer of familys, of lives, etc. It's just wrong!
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Home on the Range
That's where dinner was tonight. We had hot roastbeef and chicken. then we turned the range off. :)
Back from vaca. It was a pretty good vaca. Good volleyball and good fishing. Oh yeh, and good nappin. I got my share of afternoon naps in too.
But after a long vaca. I'm still not back to my normal self. I'm not sure what's wrong with me, maybe just my time of the month.... oh wait, that is the girl's excuse.
Back from vaca. It was a pretty good vaca. Good volleyball and good fishing. Oh yeh, and good nappin. I got my share of afternoon naps in too.
But after a long vaca. I'm still not back to my normal self. I'm not sure what's wrong with me, maybe just my time of the month.... oh wait, that is the girl's excuse.
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