I write letters frequently, some people correspond with me daily, some weekly etc. Of all the people that I write to one of them is an inmate in a Florida Correctional Facility. While my other friends and contacts write about life and what they do and want to do and what they have and want to get, the prisoner is quite content in his position. The people on the outside complain, and talk about what they don't have and how oppressed they are, and how hard it is etc. While my buddy in prison talks about how awesome God's love and grace is and how he knows God is in control over every single aspect of his life. He says that he is content with knowing that God wants him where he is right now and will be until God chooses ot move him to another season of his life. It is amazing how we see what we don't have and yearn for more more more.. not appreciating what we do have and my friend in prison sees it all and understands that even though he is not a free man, 'he has it all'. And that all is Jesus Christ. That makes me wonder.. "who is the real prisoner here? Us or him?