Life is busy, hectic and we are always on the go. But look around you, look at yourself. How much time is spent running around keeping schedules or working late hours & 2 jobs. The Bible says "If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat" II Thessalonians 3:10. But that can't be taken out of context and used as an excuse to work 60-70 hours a week and never being home. "everything in moderation"- In working unnecessary late hours and always having work on your mind you miss out on..... life.... and the lives of those you love. There is nothing that makes me feel more special than what happened to me yesterday when i got home from work, and it happens every day. I opened the front door and Rowan (3) yells "Dadddyyyyyyyyyyy" and runs in for a full speed hug and just hangs out for a few minutes hugging and the occasional kiss, he might then rub my head or pull on my beard and then hug me again. If I were to work til 9PM i'd miss that every day. No extra overtime would be worth missing that from my little man. Anita (4) is so much more grown up. From her I get the same hugs and kisses, but she has a lengthy speech to tell me. Everything from what Rowan did that was naughty that day, to what she played or where she wants to go and what she got to play that day. Tucker, (Happy Birthday Bud) turned 1 today, just grins from ear to ear and jumps around like he's never seen me before. Every hour of overtime I were to work, means one more hour my beautiful wife has to spend with our calm, docile ---er--- wild indian kids by herself. Just the thought of relieving her from the constant of keeping an eye on the rugrats is enough to bring me home. Men, our wives are not here to "do everything they can so we can work 16 hours a day then come home and be too tired to do anything let alone pull our weight. And don't think that because we go to work and work 'Oh so hard all day long' that we are exempt from household chores... not really.... Most of our wives get up when we do and if we took the time to notice them around the house we'd see they work until it's bed time. All the while most husbands think that because they worked 'hard' all day, it's time to relax. Yo, dudes, she worked too, longer, and most of the time, harder. Show your wife not only the respect she deserves, but the respect God tells us to give her.
There are over 150 verses in the Bible that speak on how a marriage relationship should be structured and carried out, day to day. If a husband and wife read all the verses pertaining to them, follow through and obey them, (married) life will be good. We can't read the ones pertaining to our wives (or husbands for you wives reading) and point out to them what they are doing wrong, because in doing that it makes us 'more' wrong than the thing we are pointing out!
Love them, and everything else will fall into place. If we did all that we do, in and around our home and family, out of love and always thinking of our spouse first, life would be good. You would not argue, you would not fight, and things that might bring some couples to harsh words would not even be mentioned because you are of one mind, knowing not only what each other would decide or say, but what 'should' be decided and say because it's whats right. Love your spouse, think of them first.
Not much should have to be said about parents, love them, honor them, respect them. Enough said. Growing up there can be a longing to be old enough to 'make our own decisions' because we are soooo much smarter than our parents and our parents 'just don't understand what it's like'. Sometime kids can get so caught up in there own lives that they forget about their parents. In my opinion once a child is old enough that they don't need their parents to be there for them 24/7,,, the tables should turn and they should be there for their parents 24/7. Especially by the time a young person reaches the age of 21, they should no longer have their parents do the many things they used to. You are an adult now, it's time to take care of your parents like they took care of you. Looking out for them, doing things for them just because you love them. Not that they need that kind of care... because most of them will be extremely capable to take care of themselves. But it's because you love them and acknowledge that they gave everything to you for the first 21 years of your life and you acknowledge that tomorrow is not promised. For those who do not think about those things, it's going to be a long hard journey always looking for handouts and expecting help from them like they are obligated. That's now how it works. You, as a child of your parents, are obligated to look out for them, help them, be there for them and do everything you can for them as a way to show them you love them, appreciate them and acknowledge them for who they are. No longer do you take take take, but it's time to give give give. And everyone has something to give.... time, energy, presence (or presents,lol) conversation etc. And do it out of a desire to do so, not because you feel obligated! Our parents were obligated to be there and take care of us, we need to turn the tables on that and do it out of love and commitment. Stop thinking of yourself! Think of others, your wife, kids, parents, family....... And find out how much more fulfilling life can be when you think of "others" first. And love them because you do. True love for another person is one that can be felt, not heard. The words "I love you" can become redundant if the person hearing them does not feel it first. Don't get me wrong, the words are very important, and need to be heard everyday. If you don't say it already,, start,, to your wife, husband, kids...... just that little thing will make a change in your attitude and theirs. By saying "I love you" you are bringing to the front of your mind and theirs, the fact that you do love them. Years can go by with the words being said on a birthday or Christmas.. but that's sort of like people who only go to church on Easter and Christmas,,, there's not much to it because it's "what you are supposed to do". But saying "I love you" every day changes a mind set. Say it, mean it and act it out. Don't just say 'love'.... Do 'love'. To do that, you need to be there. To be there you need to sacrifice something else.
Demonstrate the kind of love you have for your spouse and kids. You may think to yourself 'they know I love them'.... but do they, for sure, no doubt, 100%....? Have you told them lately?
All this is said with one thought in mind... "Love them, while you can".You will not regret it.
What you will regret however is never making the transition from taker to giver. Not seeing your parents, spouse and kids for who they truly are. Not giving the love that you should and that people in our lives deserve. Not saying "I love you" to them. Not stopping and realizing who people are to you. Not appreciating those in your life who truly deserve appreciation.
Say the words- "I Love You"
Friday, August 30, 2013
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