Thursday, December 29, 2005
Why 'once saved always saved' could actually be correct
There is always a big discussion/arguement going on between the osas proponents and perseverence people. I've been thinking. The term "Once saved always saved" could actually be correct. It is a long stretch to get to it but deep down it may be correct. The way I see it is this; How does a person know when they are really truly saved? And do we really really know? The Bible says to confess and believe in our hearts... But can another person really know when someone else is saved or not? I would think it is quite impossible for the simple reason that we cannot know somone elses mind or heart. And do we really know our own, for that matter? Could we be included in the "Be careful if you think you are standing firm...." Warning. Why would we have to be careful unless we could fall. I think that falling isn't always from a saved position.. it could be from another place.. such as a 'standing firm' or think we are standing firm place. The problem I have with osas is how many pastors present it. They present it in a way that makes it 'ok' to sin now. Once you confess with your mouth in public and pray the prayer. You then are able to do whatever you want, no matter how bad the sin with no fear of ever missing heaven. That is exactly what i've been told by pastors who teach that doctrine. So even if it were the case that once you are saved you are always saved.. There is no way it could be accepted now because of how many church leaders have exploited it into (as the Bible says) "a license for immorality". There is no benefit in believing osas except the benefit of believing you can sin without eternal consequence. The pastors have beguiled the Word of any authenticity. They have made it a book of mere suggestions, because either way you still get to heaven. "If you love me you will do what I command". That sounds clear to me.
Monday, December 19, 2005
A friend and I were talking recently and I was asked (paraphrased) "Do you think there could be such as thing as a platonic relationship [between a guy and girl]?"
I've been thinking about it for a few days and I still do not know. Which brings me to my answer: "Yes". and "No". Both yes and no.
Allow me to explain; Being that a man and a woman are both complicated to begin with not to mention very complicated to each other, how would we know if it was infact 'platonic'? What I think is that there are a guy and a girl who have much in common and let's say the girl completely honestly does not have physical desires toward the man. She never once had the desire to touch or hug him, or kiss him or whatever else desires could lead to. Now she is staying the path of a platonic relationship. But the man on the other hand has to use a snorkel in his dreams and thoughts because they are swimming with desire for this girl. There goes Plato's theory. But now you have to take into consideration something else. How would anyone know if the relationship fit the criteria? Well, you might ask each other. The only problem with that is not that one might LIE. BUT that one might not tell the truth. The reason being is that in that same relationship mentioned above, the girl approaches the man oneday and something like the following takes place between them;
Blah blah blah blah blah.. etc. and so on!
Now Joe didn't necessarily lie, but he surely wasn't truthful with Sally. What happened there was Joe indeed did have more than friends feelings for Sally, he was falling in love with her. But he knew that if he were to tell her that, that she would either turn and run or it would seriously screw things up for them. So he chose the easy path. He agreed with her to avoid losing her altogether. Smart move on his part for not losing her but he just lied, uh er, untruthed her. (Remember what the Bible says about a woman's wrath, Joe)
So do I think there could be such a thing as a platonic relationship? I'm sure there are many of them out there. But I would think they would have to be few and far between. One of the definitions of 'platonic' is: Free from physical desire. So even tho there are alot of people that we know who are friends and both are 'not married', there is something that does not qualify them as platonic you all parties were to be honest. Some say they don't 'fall for a guy' until they know his intentions. In other words if the guy is just a pal and being friendly because of some common interest or whatever, the girl maybe would hold her feelings back until she is sure how this guy feels about her. Which would be 'guarding her heart'... BUT she would admit that somewhere inside her are feelings of a non-platonic nature. (out the window again Plato!)
So to answer the question: In the grand scheme of things I would have to say, It is possible BUT not usually the case, whether admitted or not. Now that does not mean that they want marriage or anything.. but just that one of the two usually has desires hidden away and would admit if they were honest.
So in conclusion, it can be, but rarely. So guys buy an extra snorkel if you want, but if she asks, BE HONEST. And same to you girls, BE HONEST. Sometime being honest can be the most painful thing for both parties but it gives you a much better feeling when you close your eyes at night thant that bad feeling in your stomach when you know you lied to someone who loves you!
I've been thinking about it for a few days and I still do not know. Which brings me to my answer: "Yes". and "No". Both yes and no.
Allow me to explain; Being that a man and a woman are both complicated to begin with not to mention very complicated to each other, how would we know if it was infact 'platonic'? What I think is that there are a guy and a girl who have much in common and let's say the girl completely honestly does not have physical desires toward the man. She never once had the desire to touch or hug him, or kiss him or whatever else desires could lead to. Now she is staying the path of a platonic relationship. But the man on the other hand has to use a snorkel in his dreams and thoughts because they are swimming with desire for this girl. There goes Plato's theory. But now you have to take into consideration something else. How would anyone know if the relationship fit the criteria? Well, you might ask each other. The only problem with that is not that one might LIE. BUT that one might not tell the truth. The reason being is that in that same relationship mentioned above, the girl approaches the man oneday and something like the following takes place between them;
Sally: Joe, I've been thinking about some of the things you say and do, and I wanted to make sure we understand each other in terms of our relationship with each other.
Joe: What sort of things are you talking about?
Sally: I don't want to make a big deal about it, but just the way you talk to me and remarks that make. And sometime how when you hold a door for me you will put your hand on my back when I walk by. I'm sure it's nothing but I wanted to make sure.
Joe: Oh, that sort of thing. Nothing to worry about Sally. I'm just trying to be a gentleman. It's surely nothing to worry about.
Sally: Ok, good, I didn't want our friendship to end because one of us started having different feelings about the other. I mean you and I are great friends, don't get me wrong, but we agreed way back when that we were friends and nothing more. Because we weren't interested like that. And you know I love you to death, like a brother!
Joe: I know Sally, nothing's changed. I wouldn't want to mess up our friendship we've been through too much and need each other's support..
Blah blah blah blah blah.. etc. and so on!
Now Joe didn't necessarily lie, but he surely wasn't truthful with Sally. What happened there was Joe indeed did have more than friends feelings for Sally, he was falling in love with her. But he knew that if he were to tell her that, that she would either turn and run or it would seriously screw things up for them. So he chose the easy path. He agreed with her to avoid losing her altogether. Smart move on his part for not losing her but he just lied, uh er, untruthed her. (Remember what the Bible says about a woman's wrath, Joe)
So do I think there could be such a thing as a platonic relationship? I'm sure there are many of them out there. But I would think they would have to be few and far between. One of the definitions of 'platonic' is: Free from physical desire. So even tho there are alot of people that we know who are friends and both are 'not married', there is something that does not qualify them as platonic you all parties were to be honest. Some say they don't 'fall for a guy' until they know his intentions. In other words if the guy is just a pal and being friendly because of some common interest or whatever, the girl maybe would hold her feelings back until she is sure how this guy feels about her. Which would be 'guarding her heart'... BUT she would admit that somewhere inside her are feelings of a non-platonic nature. (out the window again Plato!)
So to answer the question: In the grand scheme of things I would have to say, It is possible BUT not usually the case, whether admitted or not. Now that does not mean that they want marriage or anything.. but just that one of the two usually has desires hidden away and would admit if they were honest.
So in conclusion, it can be, but rarely. So guys buy an extra snorkel if you want, but if she asks, BE HONEST. And same to you girls, BE HONEST. Sometime being honest can be the most painful thing for both parties but it gives you a much better feeling when you close your eyes at night thant that bad feeling in your stomach when you know you lied to someone who loves you!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Reality today
If you do not agree that the reality pictured above under the new Iraqi government is not a world better than the reality picture below under the former Iraqi government, I regret to tell you that you have your head firmly planted in a dark region of your body. That said, I do think the war is a wrong and a mistake. But in reality this good did come from it. Better quality of life for those who survived.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Proud to be Humble!
I read a comment to one of Brandon's Posts over at today. The comment read in part "False Humility is True Pride". Do people look at me and think "He is full of false humility" >. Well actually I don't think many people think that deep when forming an opinion on me. But for real.. I wonder ... well first of all do I even think of myself as humble?? I mean, I know we are all supposed to be humble and think not much of ourselves in comparison with person #2 but we are talking facts here.. not what should be, if ya know what I mean! It's like 'yes we should be humble, but in reality, are we? So in that context am I full of false humility which would indeed be true pride! Idk.. I'm not really sure. But I guarentee you that you could ask some of my family or friends and they could answer the question more accurately if they were to be brutally honest. Now we are at root an animal of sorts in the way that our first natural priority is self preservation, and in perserving ourself, we think more highly of ourselves than others sometime.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Wrap your presents to your darling from you
Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue
Wrap your presents to your darling from you
Pretty pencils to write I love you
Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue
Crowded street, busy feet, hustle by him
Downtown shoppers, Christmas is nigh
There he sits all alone on the sidewalk
Hoping that you won't pass him by
Should you stop? Better not, much too busy
You're in a hurry, my how time does fly
In the distance the ringing of laughter
And in the midst of the laughter he cries
Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue
Wrap your presents to your darling from you
Pretty pencils to write I love you
Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue
Wrap your presents to your darling from you
Pretty pencils to write I love you
Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue
Crowded street, busy feet, hustle by him
Downtown shoppers, Christmas is nigh
There he sits all alone on the sidewalk
Hoping that you won't pass him by
Should you stop? Better not, much too busy
You're in a hurry, my how time does fly
In the distance the ringing of laughter
And in the midst of the laughter he cries
Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue
Wrap your presents to your darling from you
Pretty pencils to write I love you
Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue
Thursday, December 01, 2005
You know those emails going around that say something like "Describe me in one word" ? I was getting a bunch of them so I decided to send it on out to my address book.. A few ppl decided to reply.. THis is what I got back.
- Religious
- Jeffryish
- Wonderful-Friend (can I hyphen things?)
- Laudable
- Insightful
- Interesting
- Opinionated
- Unpredictable
- Unpredictable
- Neat-funny-understanding (that's a new word)
- Funny!
- Male
- Purple-beard
- Cousin.....
- Ambitious
- Perceptive
- analytical
- enigma
Monday, November 28, 2005
Weekend fun
I had a blast this loonngg weekend. which is ending today at 1pm. I will be late for work if I blog it all now. My fun weekend is in thanks to melissa betsy mj phil pete cin jessy curt ned derek aonch shauna misty aunt ginny N fam and i'm prob forgetting some but i'm sure i'll think of them later.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Who's responsibility is it Anyway??
I guess i'm half asking and half telling. But isn't there some un-written rule about where to draw the line on what is taught in church as 'fact'? Well, this is totally going against the grain to take up issue with my church. But the way that I look at it is, If I just do what they say without question then I would be "Following blindly" And even the apostles didn't do that. Some of them actually left each other due to their disagreements on issues. Well that's getting off the point. I believe we as believers have a big responsibility to make right choices and to be in prayer and decide for ourselves what is right or wrong for us. I know that my church sometime teaches against certain things and they go to the extreme of the exact thing and completely leaving any room for arguement saying this is "WRONG" or "No true believer would even think of doing this" or "Have this" or "Take part in this" etc. etc. I don't mean to be bad mouthing my church I am merely making a point and cannot do so without and example. Now what happens if we have 15 people sitting in church who take part in a certain thing with a completely clear conscience and then we hear over the pulpit that "No true Christian would even think of taking part in that". What does that say about those 15? But on top of that, those 15 are in a pickle. Do they just stop taking part because it was denounced in church? That would be following blindly in my opinion. But what does a person do in that situation? You can't argue the point with the pastor. At that point you would be trying to justify what you do or change his opionion OR worse yet, get his approval.. All which are not noble things to do! You don't need to justify your actions before men, you don't need to argue with your pastor, and you don't need to get your pastor's approval on anything. You are both mature independent minds alike in God's sight. We need God's approval, not mans. Although having man's approval feels good most of the time. If we need to justify our actions to ourselves or others, if we need to convince ourselves its 'ok' then something is fishy there, maybe we better take a closer look at what we believe. Following our pastor's every rule and preached message to a T will not get us to Heaven, neither will pleasing our pastor by going by every rule or denouncement of certain things or activities. We need to evaluate our lives, take spiritual inventory-take a good look at our priorities and then ask God to give us wisdom and teach us the right way. A pastor is like a shepherd watching a flock of sheep. The sheep know what the shepherd wants but does not always do what he says. But the shepherd understands that sheep will do that, they will wander, they will get lost but the shepherd does not give up or say "I might as well never try to save you again, its no use, you wandered off even tho I said stay".. neither can a pastor say that "I may as well not preach another lessson because it's done no good, you fell into sin again". It is not the pastor's fault if a person falls into sin, they are only the shepherd. They have to realize their responsibility and it's limits. I'm not saying it's easy to see a long time member fall into seriuos sin and live the way of the world after that with no time for the Lord. I think that it is the church's responsibility to teach principles and truth from the Bible, but when it comes down to specifics on some ''controversial'' issues, if there are so many different opinions on the matter and each one is revealed somethind different.. Why would God reveal the truth to only one man?? Why not just teach the principles of truth relevant to the issues and leave it up to God and the believer (US) to make the decisions for ourselves! We are mature individuals.. Or is it that the church does not want us to make the wrong one? I really don't know. I think they have gotten too extreme in getting to the nitty gritty details of telling us what we can and cannot do! Where does our power of choice come in. Oh I know we can still choose. But when specific things are taught as factually wrong in church and we are doing them with a clear conscience, what then? Do we stop for the sake of following our pastor's teaching? Do we stop for the sake of not looking 'wrong' in eyes of fellow church-goers? Or was it wrong for it to be taught like that? There is a great amount of resposibility that the believer has to take and pray and search for the answers to the questions. If we are taught to an extreme what is right N wrong and all as fact.. what is left to pray for as far as answers?? We don't need to pray for the answer of 'is it right or wrong' because we were just told in church distinctly that it was "WRONG"!!! There needs to be that great responsibility on every believer to pray and make right decisions on controversial issues instead of the church hand feeding us all the answers we need. The church is no doubt a vital part of every believers life but there has to be a line between the church's responsibility and our personal responsibility.
"A pastor preaching our every move and decision can never get us into Heaven just as attending church cannot. It is our own choices that show who we truly are, not our pastor's"
"A pastor preaching our every move and decision can never get us into Heaven just as attending church cannot. It is our own choices that show who we truly are, not our pastor's"
Pretty? Ugly? or Pretty Ugly?
I was thinking about people and how some of them look pretty to me and some of them look ugly. And thought that someone who I think is beautiful could be considered 'not' in someone elses opinion. Well, then I thought of my self and that I am 27 and not married. (Not that I need to be at 27) not to mention not dating and no prospects either. Well none that I would admit on here. Anyway, I know alot of people from alot of places and some girls who are the most beautiful to our human eyes can be some of the ugliest people i've known. They can be coniving or have ugly motives or just be hateful, annoying or just depressing people. While there are girls I know who most of the world would say "They aint no Britney Spears" and I see them as genuinely beautiful people. When it comes down to it, it all depends on your own motives. I sometime think that it could be a negative attribute to be beautiful in the worlds eyes. What I mean by that is 'most' guys will take them for their surface beauty and never get to know them beyond what they see. And in return it could lead that girl to respond to that and in order to keep that attention will play the game of getting a response from guys. It would obviously make a girl feel nice to have guys always coming up to her and asking her for her number or hitting on her. But coming along with that could lead to vanity and pride. And that would be for the reason that many guys make her out to be more than she is in reality. But on the other side is the girl who those same guys would not go up to as readily or who would fall into the catagory of 'your average girl' or some even fall into the catagory of 'unattractive'. BUT I think that those last two catagories are important and pose the biggest oppurtunity of producing a truly beautiful girl. You see, the girl who isn't necessarily a head turner when she walks into a club, or down the street cannot play off of the vanity that it leads to, they have to work to be beautiful. But the great thing about that is that they become a girl who is beautiful for the rest of her life, and not just until she washes off the make-up or her highlights grow out.. or she gains a little weight that makes her lose her anorexic look she's been honing in for two years. It is something that those inner-beauty girls will retain for the rest of their life. They are the ones who will marry a guy with the same inner-beauty and raise a happy family and grow old together and still be happy and love each other! But those shallow outter beauty girls could end up being bar flys or divorced ... three times.. Just looking for happiness in guys instead of in God. Finding God at a young age and becoming happy and content in Him is a BIG step in having a happy relationship with anyone let alone a happy marriage. I am (i'm not sure the word to use) But I am the kind of person where I could hang out with a girl and think to myself "Lord this is the girl for me, she and I got along great, she is beautiful she loves You and it just has the be right". But then after a few days I will reconsider and think.. well is she really the one for me? And then I'm not sure, and even more glad I waited to say anything more that would lead her to think of us as just buddies?or friends. Granted that I don't know how she feels I could ruin a good friendship over something that may never be. And that is why I do not take other's advice when they say "Ask her on a date, what can it hurt"? Well to start with.. alot of drama if it is not to be.. Anyway, I met a girl the other night who I think about often, and have seen her most of my life, but the questions are still there, "When, God, when?" But I am comforted in the answer I give myself.. "When God sees fit for me to have a friend, that's when it will be". Until then I pray I fulfill my responsibilities on this earth and become a more beautiful person for my future wife, if God blesses me in that way. The beauty that we see if only skin deep, it is what lies behind that deceptive covering that matters the most!!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
What's goin on?
I don't like to post and say I havn't posted. But here it is. I know I haven't posted ANYTHING in the last month! And I don't like making personal posts, BUT, I've been struggling with things and really trying to find out things.. How do I put it.. searching for answers and looking for it myself and not taking other's words for it. It's a rough road but I have to find the answers my self or they will not stick! I'm sure everyone can relate to that.. It's like trying to learn from our parent's mistakes.. It just don't work.. we need to learn from our own.. and the same with God, He has to reveal it to us, convict us.. NOt convict someone else and then when they tell us we are just supposed to fall into line.. But more-so to search and read and let God speak to us be open willing and ready to accept whatever it is He reveals!
If only!
If only!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Probably because, "The focus and goal would be zoned in on that instead of preaching the full Gospel of Jesus Christ."
"There other places than a church for it".
"There other places than a church for it".
Monday, October 24, 2005
Forgiveness comments
Interesting post, Jon, as always. Jon mentioned in his post;
"This would seem to agree with what Becky's saying, that forgiveness is available but only post-repentance. ".
Correct me if i'm wrong, Becky, but I don't think that is what you were saying. I think you and I agreed that forgiveness is always available, repentance or not.. It is only 'obtained' post-repentance. And maybe that's what Jon meant but it was un-clear.
Jon mentioned something about forgiveing 7 times if your brother sins against you and repents. I think to make it clearer we must remember what Jesus said also about forgiving. Matthew 18:21-22 "Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?”
Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." I believe what Jesus meant by that is "No Peter, not seven times, but unlimited times!! " As my pastor said in church once after reading that verse, "if you stopped to add that up, you missed the point". And the same for God, he will forgive us unlimited times when confess and forsake, as Jon mentioned.
Jon's last question on that post read; "If this man (forgive the gender assumption) doesn't come to me and repent, do I still need to forgive him? If so, for whose benefit, his or mine?"
Now I can't really speak for Jon, but if this were the case for me.. My reponse would be, that I am not directly responsible for that mans salvation,, BUT I do want to say the Lord's prayer each morning with a clear conscious and peace about what I am saying,, "Forgive me my sins as I have forgiven anyone who has sinned against me". I'd say it would be for my benefit. If our salvation depended on being forgiven by everyone we harmed or sinned against.... we'd be screwed. The only forgiveness that is eternally necessary, I believe, is God's.
"*-But that's Just One Man's Opinion-*"
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
My brother and sister are in a band, they call themselves "Toolbox". Why? you ask! I don't really know. Maybe for lack of a better name. Well they do 8 or so songs and alot of them are about what bothers them, or not conforming to the world's standards and not following the world and it's ways. They don't really make references to Jesus, literally, but it is a positive message kind of a band. WEll anyway.. to get to my point... I started to think about it today and suggested to him the name "BackTalk" for a new band name. Like for instance the world tells you how to dress, what to say, what to think, what to do, where to go, what to buy etc. etc. and alot of it would not necessarily be the best thing for young kids to follow. And the name BackTalk which could also be the name of a song... would be the kids are backtalking the popular culture, backtalking the media and what they push.. Just backtalking society as a whole since it pushes on them what is new, hot and hip instead of considering God's will for them and their peers. It's pretty amazing how one person can influence many.. even in just friends situations, with no platform to speak from. If one does wrong.. alot follow.. if one does right and creates the same peer pressure.. I would almost have to do some good, right? So anyway he liked the name and he is thinking about it..
Monday, October 17, 2005
Shut up and listen! (for once)
You ever talk to those people who just talk and talk and talk...... and talk? I have! I makes me wonder if they even know what they are saying or even know they are still talking! They repeat themselves several times for the sake of not shutting up (it seems). Or there are those people who when in a group will get into this match of saying the greater thing. Like they will pick the best line of a show or repeat something a speaker on stage said. It comes down to no matter what it is.. they just talk non-stop!! Haven't you ever just stopped and listened to someone else? Try it, it may surprise you, you may learn something! We can learn a heck of alot more when we are listening than when we are talking. Oh wait there is a verse in the Bible, "Be quick to listen and slow to speak". Maybe there is something to it.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Do you hurt?
And I thought I hurt! You ever think of committing suicide? And then tell about it? Over and over? If you attempt and fail without an injury maybe you need a sure fire way! I thought that in the past that I hurt and when ppl would talk to me I felt sorry for myself.. But when I started to hear kids stories of when they tried to kill themselves and ended up almost bleeding to death or gunshot wounds ...... I realized that maybe I didn't hurt as much as I would have liked ppl to believe. There are kids who hurt so much that they will cut themselves to make the real pain go away for a moment! The pain of the cutting will ease the pain of their reality! To make that more real for you take a knife and try to cut your arm, on the top between your wrist and elbow. It would take a heck of alot of pain to cause self injury! We are like animals and our instincts are to self preserve. I don't know what else to say, but compared to these kids that i've had the privilege of hearing their stories,,,, I haven't hurt yet in my life!
Vaca. at the Mts.
I've been gone
And alot has changed! My brother got married and I've found myself with alot less free time. But the Lord is faithful even when I think He's not!! All I could think is that it would be a rocky road trying to get back to our normal life with me in my brother's shoes. Because God is good and His grace abounds things are going smoothly. But it's only one week down infinity to go! I guess with my new found responsibilities it forces me to re-evaluate my life and, as my mom used to say, to "get my priorities in order". And then with all that, there is still always the devil puttin in his two cents. And as much as we'd like to say that 'that's in the past'. It is very much so in hte present and future. Because I believe that as long as I am on the earth there will be temptations and things from the devil to meet.
all in all i'm doin ok!
Thanks for asking!
all in all i'm doin ok!
Thanks for asking!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Comments complaint
So, we've conquered the unwanted ads in our comments section with word verification. The excuse now?
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Heaven and Hell
I've heard some different things about who goes and who does not, concerning Heaven.
First question: does the Bible really tell us that it is our place to decide who is saved or going to heaven and who is not and is damned to hell?
Second: I heard recently in speaking about Noah's day and the ark, that there were only 8 ppl saved back then when the flood came and "It seems that there will only be 8 this time too". Meaning when Jesus comes back. 8 people saved out of 6 billion? Does that seem right to you? That's worse odds than the PowerBall Lottery!! Anyway, just a couple things that really boggled my mind and I thought I'd put them out there.
First question: does the Bible really tell us that it is our place to decide who is saved or going to heaven and who is not and is damned to hell?
Second: I heard recently in speaking about Noah's day and the ark, that there were only 8 ppl saved back then when the flood came and "It seems that there will only be 8 this time too". Meaning when Jesus comes back. 8 people saved out of 6 billion? Does that seem right to you? That's worse odds than the PowerBall Lottery!! Anyway, just a couple things that really boggled my mind and I thought I'd put them out there.
Friday, September 23, 2005
interesting comments and terminology... Only a couple comments back.
The pledge won't get people to Heaven, nor will the Ten Commandments. But neither will church, or obeying God's commands.. SO to hell with them too?? I'm only kidding.
I think I completely understand where you are coming from, Jon. But I for one would like our nation to protect freedom of religion and the freedom to worship freely. And I'm not sure if you would agree, but I'm sure we can all see that the current trend is leading toward no freedom of religion and no freedom to worship. I mean we'd have to have our heads in a dark place to not know this is happening. The Bible speaks of a one world religion,,,, doesn't it? I would choose this country over China anyday, who' with me?
I think i understand what you said (even with your big words and phrases) but we just don't agree on all of it.
The pledge won't get people to Heaven, nor will the Ten Commandments. But neither will church, or obeying God's commands.. SO to hell with them too?? I'm only kidding.
I think I completely understand where you are coming from, Jon. But I for one would like our nation to protect freedom of religion and the freedom to worship freely. And I'm not sure if you would agree, but I'm sure we can all see that the current trend is leading toward no freedom of religion and no freedom to worship. I mean we'd have to have our heads in a dark place to not know this is happening. The Bible speaks of a one world religion,,,, doesn't it? I would choose this country over China anyday, who' with me?
I think i understand what you said (even with your big words and phrases) but we just don't agree on all of it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Re: Jon's Comments
I'm not saying that the constitution was written with scripture to back it..... there are churches who's doctrines can't be backed by the Bible. I'm saying that it was written by Christian men and reflects their Christian principles.
Don't be silly, yes America was under God before 1954.. You tell me, does the fact taht we start admitting something that always was, mean that it wasn't so before that point?
Jon mentioned....
Our lives are not the proof that the pledge is good. If that were the case, we should outlaw the Bible. A man gets up in the morning, reads his Bible, goes to work, on his way he hits another car, they get out and the Christian man beats up the other man. So much for the Bible,,,, What good does it do society???
The highschool boy and girl analogy is not proof that the pledge is 'worthy of being outlawed'. How can anyone expect every one who recites the pledge to act according to the Bible? We CANT! That absolutely true. So to day that a boy gets a girl pregnant and she gets an abortion after saying the pledge is evidence that the phrase 'under God' has not helped society, is not relevant.
The rest of the points raised don't warrant a response from me. I'm not concerned about history, I'm talking about today. I want my children and grand children to be able to worship God freely in this Country, don't you? If you do, we'd better start praying we keep as much mention of God legal as possible!! Just so I know your position,,, (in a breif reply) What do you think of taking the 10 commandments off of public buildings and property? You repsonse will help me understand your position on the pledge. Thanks Jon.
Don't be silly, yes America was under God before 1954.. You tell me, does the fact taht we start admitting something that always was, mean that it wasn't so before that point?
Jon mentioned....
A high school boys says the pledge in the morning, claims to be "Under God." He gets his girlfriend pregnant in the afternoon. A month later, she says the pledge in the morning, gets her abortion in the afternoon. How is our nation acting as if it is "Under God?" How has that phrase helped our society?
Our lives are not the proof that the pledge is good. If that were the case, we should outlaw the Bible. A man gets up in the morning, reads his Bible, goes to work, on his way he hits another car, they get out and the Christian man beats up the other man. So much for the Bible,,,, What good does it do society???
The highschool boy and girl analogy is not proof that the pledge is 'worthy of being outlawed'. How can anyone expect every one who recites the pledge to act according to the Bible? We CANT! That absolutely true. So to day that a boy gets a girl pregnant and she gets an abortion after saying the pledge is evidence that the phrase 'under God' has not helped society, is not relevant.
The rest of the points raised don't warrant a response from me. I'm not concerned about history, I'm talking about today. I want my children and grand children to be able to worship God freely in this Country, don't you? If you do, we'd better start praying we keep as much mention of God legal as possible!! Just so I know your position,,, (in a breif reply) What do you think of taking the 10 commandments off of public buildings and property? You repsonse will help me understand your position on the pledge. Thanks Jon.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
For those of you who don't read this, I am commenting (sort of) on Jon's Blog. First of all why should politics and faith not be intermingled?? You, Jon, being a person of faith would seem like the type of person who would realize the necessity of your faith playing a role in your politics, esp if you were a polotician. I think it is a bonus to the Christian population, most times, when senator takes into consideration his faith and the faith of others when he is considering a nominee or a bill. My thoughts on abolishing the pledge is this... The United States of America was founded on Christian principles, alot of the writers of the constitution were clergy of some sort. And our nation is still a Christian nation. Here is what I think-- If you have a problem with saying "One Nation Under God" then move the freak out of the nation that is under God. We are under God, not under Allah, not under Muhhamad, and not the little man who sits on top of the big hill with all the wisdom. We are One nation, we are Under God. If you are offended of being in a nation under God.. Move out!! Mexico or Canada would probably suit you!! And btw, leave the Money that says "In God We Trust" here when you leave. If they are offended by the phrase Under God.. why don't they burn their money which says "In God We Trust".. or is that next.. getting that slogan off of money.. Give it up!! We are under God and if you come to our Christian Nation, you too should admit we are under God! If you are offended.. TOO BAD>. I'll get you a hankie and tell you it's alright.. I'm offended with the quality of the people moving in my neighborhood.. do you think I could have them kicked out? No because it's not about suppressing religion and Christians at that.. Do we suppress the Muslim religion.. NO.. because we'd get sued for discrimination... You people are crazy!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
When all else fails.... BLOG IT!
You know how you have those things, where, if you think about them they start to annoy you because no one will 'really' give you an answer. Well this is one of those. No one wants to touch the subject. Why? idk! But I'm questioning, not accusing. They feel that I'm accusing them of being wrong even when I explain that I am questioning and discussing. Even those in the position to change it don't give satisfactory answers and most of the time resort to something related to the Bible and therefore created a non-arguable point. The question is------- "Why are all the school teachers from only 2 familys in our church when their have been other oppurtunities for others with a 'felt' calling"? Is there an answer other than some obvious assumptions. I have asked several who may be in the place to explain, and all have dodged it in some way. I am curious and concerned. Any explanations?
BTW< I am in no way condeming the leadership of our church/school. Just asking a question. I think that the people of our church congregation should ask more questions when they are on their mind and get rid of the old thought that we cannot express our thoughts and opinions. We do not expect those questioned to just change what we question, but it may cause them to think about it in a different way. that's all.
BTW< I am in no way condeming the leadership of our church/school. Just asking a question. I think that the people of our church congregation should ask more questions when they are on their mind and get rid of the old thought that we cannot express our thoughts and opinions. We do not expect those questioned to just change what we question, but it may cause them to think about it in a different way. that's all.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Who's fault is it anyway?
You ever notice how everytime there is a problem or something happens the first thing all the people do is spend alot of time trying to find out 'who's fault it is'? There may be a big disaster (Like the Gulf Coast) or a simple problem at work or at home. The first thing everyone wants to do is find out who's fault it is, like that is going to make it all better or something. We have this problem at work with our wonderful neighbors. Well actually it is with mosquitos but the mosquitos breed on our wonderful neighbor's property. Anyway I bring the problem to my boss quite often because the flying insects like me the best. And everytime my boss says things like, "It's probably because you throw food out in the trash can". or "It's you who attract them not us". And many more.. so finally I got enough of him and told him that "When there is a problem present, and all the people want to do is find someone to blame, it is clear that they have no intensions of fixing the problem, but only affixing blame". And then they are happy. So it's not like we care to fix the problem, it's just that if we can blame someone else, we are no longer responsible to care. It's like some of the politicians blaming the President for the natural disaster. duh! it's natural! That goes to show you how dumb some of our elected officials are I guess. Anyway, who cares who is to blame, if you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem if you are involved.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Jon's Comments section today
First of all Jon, what are you doing buying a 1987 car from an auction none the less.?
A word of advice. Never buy a car that's been through the auction esp. an old one. The reason I say that is because I work on alot of cars that are going to the auction and the people taking them to the auction say "Just make it run enough to sell it." And taht's what I do for my customer. I know that the work I do will last until the car is sold and then the buyer is technically screwed. Does it bother my conscience? (what conscience?) JK. No, it doesnt becuase I do what my customer pays me to do. But anyway.. Unless you know and trust your used car dealer and he has a reputation for dealing only good cars. I'd keep away from auction cars. THere is a guy in my neighborhood that i'd recommend to anyone.. but it's a bit far from you. Anyway.. good luck with the Sebring.
A word of advice. Never buy a car that's been through the auction esp. an old one. The reason I say that is because I work on alot of cars that are going to the auction and the people taking them to the auction say "Just make it run enough to sell it." And taht's what I do for my customer. I know that the work I do will last until the car is sold and then the buyer is technically screwed. Does it bother my conscience? (what conscience?) JK. No, it doesnt becuase I do what my customer pays me to do. But anyway.. Unless you know and trust your used car dealer and he has a reputation for dealing only good cars. I'd keep away from auction cars. THere is a guy in my neighborhood that i'd recommend to anyone.. but it's a bit far from you. Anyway.. good luck with the Sebring.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Open your eyes; PEOPLE
I was reading the Sept/Oct 2005 edition of 'Children's Ministry' magazine today and came across this story.
Sandy's Penguin
Recently I sorted through an accumulation of ministry stuff-props, musical tapes, songbooks, etc. ........(skipping useless stuff).........Then I came across Sandy's penguin. Sandy had brought her stuffed penguin to church a few years ago for our "Super cool" VBS. It came to us with a badly damaged wing, so we used it as a prop out of the way where its damaged wing wasn't so noticeable. Years stuffed in the closet hadn't healed the wing; it still hung askew from the penguin's body. As I tossed the old penguin into the dumpster I wept-not for the penguin, but for Sandy. Little Sandy also came to us with a badly damaged wing. Make that a badly damaged heart. Not a week went by without a volunteer coming to me about a problem with Sandy. She was unruly, she was mean, and she was occasionally dangerously out of control. Yet at other times Sandy showed herself to be sweet, loving, and very intelligent.
For awhile we didn't know if Sandy's issues were chemical, emotional, dietary, or simply poor choices. I talked with Sandy's guardian and discovered that Sandy lived with relatives because her abusive father was gone (finally) and Sandy's mother was either high or looking for someone to make her feel good. She had no time for Sandy, and relatives finally took her in. They loved her, and they tried their best with her. But Sandy's scars were deep; her wing WA s almost completely torn off.
sands problems could-at least partially- be explained by her environment. But finding a solution wasn't easy. When she became a danger to other kids we had to ask some tough questions. We had to decide whether to keep trying to repair sands wing or to let someone else worry about her.
I didn't tell Sandy she couldn't come back, but I feel bad that I even thought about it. If a child can't feel welcome at church, something terribly wrong! Yes-there were serious safety issues for other children, but I think part of our job is to find a solution other than discarding a child as if she were a damaged toy.
Before we had to come to a decision about whether to let Sandy come back, the decision was taken from us. Her abusive father came into the picture with promises for mom, and one day they just packed Sandy in the back seat of their car and drove away. We never saw her again. Her penguin remained at church where it was eventually stored in a closet. I guess peace was restored to our children's ministry how we wished for just one more month of trouble from Sandy. How we longed for one more opportunity to say, "Sandy, I love you, But I can't allow you to do that."
Inevitably we have to throw things out or give them away. But we must do everything in our power to hold onto children-even if they're tattered, bruised and brokenThat story made me think of stories that I hear come out of our church school. Now I support the school, trust me I do, but supporting and agreeing with everything that is done in it are different things. There are too many stories that come out of there that kids who are unruly get sent home or sent out of the room. They are treated as the source of the problem. Without much thought or action that would show that they think about where the source might be. Or why this child may be acting like this. Does he come from a broken home? Does she get abused at home? The teachers sometime neglect to remember that not every child grew up in a 'perfect' family as they did and not every child has a mother and father that love them unconditionaly. Not every child gets a kiss goodnight and a hug and a 'i love you' from their parents. They don't all get that pat on the back for a job well done when they are home. But our 'Christian' school could be that place that these kids change because they get that pat on the back, that hug that 'i love you'. We are a private school, we are still allowed to hug our students and tell them we love them or pat them on the back. It's time we started looking out for the well being of the students, especially the ones struggling, and less of the peaceful classrooms all the time. When I questioned a teacher once about why they would send a student home immediately if he was unruly or caused a problem, instead of taking him aside and talking to him in private. I was told that one student can't disrupt the whole class and therefore must be sent home (paraphrased). But if we send them home all the time instead of loving them and showing we care, how will he learn. They say "from home, from parents" ... well if the problem was neglect in the first place,, it's an endless cycle!!! I've heard teachers say that they don't like their job! or they wish they weren't there. And I've also heard other people say "I wish I could be a teacher, I feel it is my calling">.. What I can't understand is why are the ones who want out, in there. And how come the ones who feel called are not allowed in? All the teachers are family. Does that not seem fishy to anyone else? It's amazing that out of all the families in church only people from 2 families are called by God to become school teachers. But it must be that the ones in charge must get the message from God because others who have felt a strong calling were turned away without much explanation. Anyway. I feel that a big change would come to our church school would be if all the teachers would consider their teaching positions "A MINISTRY" instead of a job that they do not look fwd. to going to. I am not talking about all teachers. Just what I've heard over the years. It may only include 1 or 2. The kids need to learn in school but also be loved. Stop throwing the kids out like an unwanted toy. They are not discardable or replaceable. They are eternal.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Re: Questioning my pastor
Thanks to CarrieNBecky for your comments on my last post. Since you took the time and interest to write your thoughts. I'd like you to consider this and see if you feel led to reply to this. So if your pastor felt convicted to teach about a women wearing a head covering.. how would you feel he should present/teach that? I'm just trying to get a feel to what you are saying.. because we may agree on that type of thing. What I mean is how things like that are presented. Also, My thing is (at this time in my life) if a pastor is on the pulpit teaching what the Lord has revealed to him, and it is different and contradicts what the Lord has revealed to another, who is right? Pastors are God's chosen, but are also not infallible. They are human, and humans are prone to make mistakes. That is my whole point. And if I were to ask "Where is the accountability?", the answer from them would be, "We are accountible to God". And if they give that kind of answer, who can aruge, even if we want to. They through in the word "God" and they got us. I'm not saying that we should argue with the pastors all the time.. BUT if something is taught a certain way, and we scratch our head in the wording or the teaching.... making a suggestion to,, have you considered this teaching.. and how this applies. to it.. It has just not been received well.. Making us feel as tho it is not welcome. Idk, Im still praying about it.
Friday, August 12, 2005
I apologize for disabling comments on my previous post. But the reason was stated. And yes, Jon, one more reason not to have them. But not a good enough one for me unless I get overwhelmed with cheap advertising. Please post comments to my previous post on here. Thanks
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Questioning the Pastor?!
Recenly I've been going through this thing where I am critical of my church and want to question my pastor. But to question him isn't the easiest thing to do. And for some reason I've been made to feel that it is wrong to question him. It was once said that we have no right to question him because he is inspired by God to preach the way he does. I'm not exactly arguing that. AND get this next part, it's important. I am not looking for answers because everyone says yes or no. What I am asking you for is scripture references that point me toward my answer. I've heard all the opinions of why and why not. What I want now is parts of the Bible that will point me toward the truth and my own decision on that issue. Please feel free to give me some material to read. Even if it is a link to another site.. I exhausted google with no results!!!
From Frustrated in Philly!
Ok, there was a problem (I think) someone posted a comment that was only a big long advertisement.. so I took the comments off this post in order to get rid of hte ad. But this following comment was there and it deserved to stay.
Carrie N Becky said...
Acts 17:11 "Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."
The Bereans were considered more noble because they, essentially, questioned what Paul said through examining the scriptures. What do you suppose they would have done had they found that he said was questionable? Proverbs 9:9 "Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning."
11:29 PM
From Frustrated in Philly!
Ok, there was a problem (I think) someone posted a comment that was only a big long advertisement.. so I took the comments off this post in order to get rid of hte ad. But this following comment was there and it deserved to stay.
Carrie N Becky said...
Acts 17:11 "Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."
The Bereans were considered more noble because they, essentially, questioned what Paul said through examining the scriptures. What do you suppose they would have done had they found that he said was questionable? Proverbs 9:9 "Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning."
11:29 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Yeh, it's still in Romans
I don't know what it is, but lately I've been deep in the book of Romans and can't get out! This is like for once in my life the Bible is making complete sense! Should I be scared or concerned.. IDK but It's wonderful!! There is no real place to begin because it is one really big circle. So I'll start with Romans and then get to my point! And I promise I will get to my point eventually.
No matter what I do or where I go, by the choices I make, I have an influence on someone else. There is nothing that we can do that is totally isolated from the world. Too much is closely knit that we cannot make choices that do not affect our Brother or Sister in someway. If we make wrong life choices our family will suffer the consequences, if we make right life choices our family will sigh a big sigh of relief (at least my family would) and so on. Even if we make the wrong choices in our own private world, at work, or out of our home, those choices affect us and in the same way we affect our family and friends. The only time we are isolated from other people is when we stand before the judgment seat of God. If we hear "Well done my good and faithful servant" we can look in front of us because we will see Jesus Rep'n for us. Ok, I know I already talked about this the other day, but I needed to reiterate it to make my point.
OK, now I get to the personal stuff. A few years ago (and I'm still getting to my point) I was at an aquaintances house and the fridge was stocked full of alcohol of some kind. We had a blast, spent 'several' hours there and when it was time to leave I fell down the steps and was willing to drive, but a friend stopped by and was a friend to me. To make my condition clear, I was 'wasted'. I am not proud of that, but need to say it to make a point. The next day at work, I could not concentrate on work for obvious reasons. I left early and when to the home of someone of whom I considered a friend. I told my story and in return I was belittled and made to feel like a fool and a failure. This person told me how alcohol has "never touched my lips in my life". And how they feel that "all my advice to you was wasted". etc. etc. By the time I left that house that day I felt like crap and a failure and worthless because I failed. I failed God and now I failed a friend who seemed to want nothing of me. Besides the issue of "Does alcohol have a place in a Christian's life?", I learned a lesson that day. No, the lesson wasn't 'don't ever drink again'. It was "DON'T EVER TREAT SOMEONE THE WAY YOU JUST GOT TREATED" !!!!!! That was my lesson. Now here is the conclusion. I was treated that way, not on purpose, but out of ignorance. That person whom I considered a friend had no idea of how to respond to the news they just heard. So they paniced and said what was on their mind without thinking. At the time I was double wounded. I had fallen the night before and in an attempt to get back up I called on a Christian Brother who, unintentionally, pushed me back down again. But I don't consider that experience all bad. Because of Romans 8:28 "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord.....". At the time did I love the Lord? I will always say yes, but my actions obviously speak otherwise. I learned that when someone comes to me with a problem, if I have experienced the same problem in my life, GREAT, I can now empathize with them and explain that I've been there and it sucks, let's work together and find the solution to this problem. And, if I've never been there, like this person was never in the place I was, do my best to explain that "I don't know what you are going through, but there IS forgiveness if you are willing to confess & forsake". Yeh, I know it's all words. But that is what I learned from that experience. To always try to 'protect' the faith of someone else. Protect it from discouragement, especially my own. And apply all those adjectives of love to that person if they choose to come to me with questions or problems. To be patient, kind, not to boast or get angry (or at least be slow at it).. The important thing is it's not about me, especially at that point, it's time to put my all into this person who respected me enough to come my way with something.
Now there is another point; I mentioned before the issue of "Does alcohol have a place in a Christian's life?" It will be controversial til the end of time. And i've heard all the arguements. I'm not looking for new excuses. If you drink with a clear conscience, great! If I drink with a clear conscience, great! But if I were to drink and the fact that a young Christian respected me and knew that I drank, caused them to think it is fine to do, but later became a drunkard and ended up with several DUI's. Would I then think it is still ok for me as a Christian to drink? We may think we are living in our own little world and only having influence on .... no one. But that is not true. There are many young people around most of us and they are heavily influenced by what we do and what we say. And if we take part in something they will automatically think it is cool, if not OK. This is just a warning to re-evaluate what is necessary in our life and what is just a potentially dangerous 'extra'. Did I answer the question of whether it has place in a Christian's life? No I did not, because at this point I don't know. I know for a fact that it would be better if we all stayed away from it, but we are all individuals. Just remember Romans 14. We ourselves and our actions are NEVER isolated to just ourselves. We have a responsibility to look out for our brother's conscience. We may have the Christian freedom to drink, but 'could' it hinder a brother or sister in their walk of faith or cause them to fall?? It may be ok for us, but is it ok for ALL Christians? If not, could be we a negative influence on them by participating? And we have an obligation to respect our weaker brother. We cannot do something as a Christian just because our coolest Christian friend does it and has no struggles with it. We cannot do something just to fit in with the rest of the group. We have an obligation to consider the well being and the conscience of our brother FIRST, and then our own! Man if only we could do that, what a great place we would live in !!!
Romans 14: 7-9
"7For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. 8If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
9For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living."
No matter what I do or where I go, by the choices I make, I have an influence on someone else. There is nothing that we can do that is totally isolated from the world. Too much is closely knit that we cannot make choices that do not affect our Brother or Sister in someway. If we make wrong life choices our family will suffer the consequences, if we make right life choices our family will sigh a big sigh of relief (at least my family would) and so on. Even if we make the wrong choices in our own private world, at work, or out of our home, those choices affect us and in the same way we affect our family and friends. The only time we are isolated from other people is when we stand before the judgment seat of God. If we hear "Well done my good and faithful servant" we can look in front of us because we will see Jesus Rep'n for us. Ok, I know I already talked about this the other day, but I needed to reiterate it to make my point.
Romans 14: 10-12 "10You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. 11It is written:Do I have the right to judge you? No, and the reason being is because I, just like everyone else, am a man/woman under judgment! It's like we go before God and are standing there and feel that we have the right to turn to our brother and say, "what the heck are you doing here?" or "Did you hear what """""""" did last night"? or "She won't come? But we are Christians and we feel it is ok to go, she's so self righteous!" You get my point. We cannot judge because we are the judged!
“‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord,
‘every knee will bow before me;
every tongue will confess to God.’”£
12So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God."
13Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way. 14As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. 15If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died. 16Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil."Before I go on I must bring your attention to one word in those last verses. The word LOVE 1 Corinthians 13 tells it how it is and I'll quote to make my point more clear.
1Corinthians 13: 1-3 "1If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing."That pretty much tells us how important love is. And how many times to we take the oppurtunity to 'get back' at someone instead of loving them? We can't pass up to chance to get even so we skip the love part. But even when we do pass up the oppurtunity to get even and we choose to love instead of our natural instincts, Do we really remember at that time what love is? Love isn't just 'not getting back' at someone. Back to Corinthians...
1Corinthians 13: 4-7, "4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.Patient? Doesn't envy? Doesn't boast? ... forget the rest.. if that is what love is.. what is it that I have had when I thought I had love?? Ok, I'm half joking. But all joking aside. That is some pretty powerful guidelines to fal into if we want to truly love one another. And just think of the recipients of your love, they will be some lucky people to live in our presence when we have that kind of love in our hearts and it is sincere! Patient, Kind, does not envy, forgets wrongs right away, which means it also forgives instantly. Dang! Verse 7 "Always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres". That right there that are the attributes of a mom's love. Don't mean to go off the subject, but, my mom? That's her in verse 7. Many of my friends moms. She's right there in verse 7. I'm gonna keep that verse posted on my fridge if I am blessed enough to be a dad someday! Ok, to get back before I make a wrong turn and get lost>>> We stopped at the word love in Romans 14 verse 15. We have to live a life out of love. If we don't have love for our brother we have nothing. It is important to respect a brother or sister who may be weaker in the faith than we are. If we are totally comfortable in doing something and it does not defile our conscience that is well and good. But if we have a brother or sister who is weaker in the faith OR with different convictions than we do, AND we persuade or convince them to take part in or do the things that we are doing, I think we are wrong.
Mark 9:42 “And if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck.To state it plainly; If my conscience was clear while I was involved in an activity or at certain place, and my brother said "No way man, I can't do that and feel right about it". And I were to say "C'mon, man, there's nothing wrong with it, we all go there'. And so on and eventually convince him to go or take part, I would be better off with a millstone around my neck and in the ocean? Dude, I can swim but not under those cicumstances, that would suck! Oh, wait, I get it, if we cause our brother to fall, we are screwed pretty much!! But if we skip back to Romans 14, we understand that we are better off not doing those things in the first place if we know our friend/brother/sister is not comfortable with it. If we know that it is one of those things where it is neither right nor wrong in itself and we know our brother doesn't approve. We should completely abstain for the sake of our brother's conscience! I mean, heck, I would appreciate it if it were done in my regard. That'd be one cool friend. I think back to the many times that I was talked into doing things that I knew were wrong.. only thing was I didn't have much of a conscience then. Do I now? JK!
OK, now I get to the personal stuff. A few years ago (and I'm still getting to my point) I was at an aquaintances house and the fridge was stocked full of alcohol of some kind. We had a blast, spent 'several' hours there and when it was time to leave I fell down the steps and was willing to drive, but a friend stopped by and was a friend to me. To make my condition clear, I was 'wasted'. I am not proud of that, but need to say it to make a point. The next day at work, I could not concentrate on work for obvious reasons. I left early and when to the home of someone of whom I considered a friend. I told my story and in return I was belittled and made to feel like a fool and a failure. This person told me how alcohol has "never touched my lips in my life". And how they feel that "all my advice to you was wasted". etc. etc. By the time I left that house that day I felt like crap and a failure and worthless because I failed. I failed God and now I failed a friend who seemed to want nothing of me. Besides the issue of "Does alcohol have a place in a Christian's life?", I learned a lesson that day. No, the lesson wasn't 'don't ever drink again'. It was "DON'T EVER TREAT SOMEONE THE WAY YOU JUST GOT TREATED" !!!!!! That was my lesson. Now here is the conclusion. I was treated that way, not on purpose, but out of ignorance. That person whom I considered a friend had no idea of how to respond to the news they just heard. So they paniced and said what was on their mind without thinking. At the time I was double wounded. I had fallen the night before and in an attempt to get back up I called on a Christian Brother who, unintentionally, pushed me back down again. But I don't consider that experience all bad. Because of Romans 8:28 "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord.....". At the time did I love the Lord? I will always say yes, but my actions obviously speak otherwise. I learned that when someone comes to me with a problem, if I have experienced the same problem in my life, GREAT, I can now empathize with them and explain that I've been there and it sucks, let's work together and find the solution to this problem. And, if I've never been there, like this person was never in the place I was, do my best to explain that "I don't know what you are going through, but there IS forgiveness if you are willing to confess & forsake". Yeh, I know it's all words. But that is what I learned from that experience. To always try to 'protect' the faith of someone else. Protect it from discouragement, especially my own. And apply all those adjectives of love to that person if they choose to come to me with questions or problems. To be patient, kind, not to boast or get angry (or at least be slow at it).. The important thing is it's not about me, especially at that point, it's time to put my all into this person who respected me enough to come my way with something.
Now there is another point; I mentioned before the issue of "Does alcohol have a place in a Christian's life?" It will be controversial til the end of time. And i've heard all the arguements. I'm not looking for new excuses. If you drink with a clear conscience, great! If I drink with a clear conscience, great! But if I were to drink and the fact that a young Christian respected me and knew that I drank, caused them to think it is fine to do, but later became a drunkard and ended up with several DUI's. Would I then think it is still ok for me as a Christian to drink? We may think we are living in our own little world and only having influence on .... no one. But that is not true. There are many young people around most of us and they are heavily influenced by what we do and what we say. And if we take part in something they will automatically think it is cool, if not OK. This is just a warning to re-evaluate what is necessary in our life and what is just a potentially dangerous 'extra'. Did I answer the question of whether it has place in a Christian's life? No I did not, because at this point I don't know. I know for a fact that it would be better if we all stayed away from it, but we are all individuals. Just remember Romans 14. We ourselves and our actions are NEVER isolated to just ourselves. We have a responsibility to look out for our brother's conscience. We may have the Christian freedom to drink, but 'could' it hinder a brother or sister in their walk of faith or cause them to fall?? It may be ok for us, but is it ok for ALL Christians? If not, could be we a negative influence on them by participating? And we have an obligation to respect our weaker brother. We cannot do something as a Christian just because our coolest Christian friend does it and has no struggles with it. We cannot do something just to fit in with the rest of the group. We have an obligation to consider the well being and the conscience of our brother FIRST, and then our own! Man if only we could do that, what a great place we would live in !!!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Bad Christian !
One of my 13 blogs that I read daily is one called recently he wrote;
Honestly, started out of frustration. I felt--and still feel--like the contemporary institutional Church is more enamoured with a vision of its present righteousness than it is with encouraging people to be transformed AND then live truly transformational lives. Also, it frustrated me that the contemporary Church isn't much in the business of allowing questions (and especially not in the business of questioning answers.)You can view his whole blog at
Sunday, August 07, 2005
My lesson from Romans
You ever have it where you are reading a certain part of the Bible and it exactly coincides with what you may be dealing with or someone else (who talks to you about it) is dealing with? Well it was intersting. I was recently talking to someone about some things they wanted to do. They called me and asked my opinion on somethings. And what they planned to do would have influence on young people and those young people could possibly look up to them. And I couldn't really articulate what I wanted to say or I couldn't be certain that what I was saying or wanted to say was right or correct. But the next morning when I picked up my Bible the marker was on Romans 14. That chapter was exactly what I was trying to portray. I spoke on the fact that it is impossible for us to be isolated in our life here on earth.. no matter what we do it will have an effect on someone somehow whether good or bad. The only time we could ever possibly be isolated would be when we stand before the judgment seat of God but then even at that point.. if we ran the race and faught the good fight we will have Jesus with us to rep for us. And then it spoke about judging people and that we cannot judge others because we ourselves are men under judgment. And the fact that we are responsible for our neighbors conscience in the way that we cannot do something that is neither right nor wrong if it defiles our neighbor's conscience. We cannot condone something that our neighbor thinks is wrong even if we think it right.. IF it is something that is neither right or wrong. .. .. .. .. .. William Barclay had this to say about it. And it made sense to me.
The Stoics used to teach that there were a great many things which they called indifferent. In themselves they were quite neutral, neither good nor bad. The stoics put it this way-it all depends by what handle you pick them up. Now that is profoundly true. To a student of art, a certain picture might be a work of art, to someone else an obscene drawing. To one group of people a discussion might be an interesting and stimulating experience, to someone else a succession of heresies, and even blasphemies. And amusement, a pleasure, a pastime might seem quite permissible but to another prohibited. More, there are pleasures that are quite harmless to one man, which can, in fact, be the ruin of another. The thing itself is neither clean nor unlcean; it's character is determined by the person who sees it or does it.
That is what Paul is getting at here. There are certain things that a man strong in the faith may see no harm in doing; but, if a person with a more narrow outlook saw him doing them, his conscious would be shocked; and if such a person were persuaded to do them himself his conscious would be outraged. We may take a very simple example. One man would genuinely see no harm in playing some outdoor game on Sunday, and he may be right; but another mans conscious is shocked at such a thing, and, if he were persuaded to take part in it, all the time he would have the haunting feeling that he were doing wrong.
Paul's advice is clear. It is a Christian duty to think of everything, not as it affects ourselves only, but also as it affects others. Note that Paul is not saying that we must always allow our conduct to be dictated by the views of others; there are matters which are essentially matters of principle, and in them a man must take his own way. But a great many things are neutral and indifferent; a great many things are neither in themselves good or bad; a great many things are not essential parts of life and conduct but belong to what we might call the extras of life. It is Paul's conviction that in regard to such things we have no right to give offense to the more scrupulous brother by doing them ourselves, or by persuading him to do them.
Life must be guided by the principle of love; and when it is, we will think, not so much of our right to do as we like as of our responsibilities ot others. We have no right distress another man's conscience in the things that do not really matter. Christian freedom must never be used as an excuse for rough riding over the genuine feelings of others. No pleasure is so important that it can justify bringing offense and grief, and even ruin to others. Augustine used to say that the whole Christian ethic could be summed up in a saying; "Love God, and do what you like". In a sense it is true; but Christianity consists of not only loving God; it consists of also loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
I have all the answers!
I'm sitting hear listening to track 12 on Alice Deejay's cd. A song called "Everything Begins With An E". If you know the cd you'll know the track. But listening to it makes me feel like I have something missing in my life. It makes me feel like I should be sharing music like this with someone else. I am imagining words to the piano melody. And singing it to my gf or wife. Whatever she would be. And It makes me wonder what God has in store for me and 'when'. Do I really long for that, for a girl in my life, or am I not in the intimate relationship with Jesus Christ that I should be and this music is revealing to me that there is a void in my life and that it needs to be filled with something other than a girl. Because I know that if I am not fulfilled in Christ there is no one on earth that can fill the void that is left from that. I'd hum the song now, but you wouldn't hear me. But you know what, maybe it's just the song that I need to fill whatever it is that is empty. When I hear a song like this, and close my eyes, Everything that I deal with now, is gone, not a care in the world. idk. Maybe I'm just weird.
Read this (all ye FCG-ers)
Thursday, July 28, 2005
April 26
If you know me, Please tell me if this is accurate to any extent. Thanks
Your Birthdate: April 26 |
Your birth on the 26th day of the month (8 energy) modifies your life by increasing your capability to function and succeed in the business world. In this environment you have the skills to work very well with others thanks to the 2 and 6 energies combining in this date. There is a marked increase in organizational, managerial, and administrative abilities. You are efficient and handle money very well. You're ambitious and energetic, while generally remaining cooperative and adaptable. You are conscientious and not afraid of responsibility. Generally sociable and diplomatic, you tend to use persuasion rather than force. You have a wonderful combination of being good at both the broad strokes and the fine detail; good at starting and continuing. This birthday is practical and realistic, often seeking material satisfaction. |
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Haha, check out this church
They definitely got their priorities striaght. But I'm sure they've never read the 91st Psalm! I wonder what they teach about in this church. "Carry a gun at all times and shoot if you think this person or their family could be a threat if they hated you and wanted to kill you someday in the future.. oh heck, just shoot everyone that way you are safe> Check out this awesomely crazy church!
Worship Trends
This was borrowed from THIS SITE because I found it interesting. They call it "5 recent trends in worship"
Styles and preferences in worship are a moving target. Once you think you've modernized they move again. This is the challenge to the baby boomers like me (and for early Xers). Boomers and early Xers inherited "revivalist remnant worship" from their parents. They examined it and pronounced it D.O.A. They wanted something more professional, more upbeat, more relevant, and, well, the term we preferred to use was more contemporary. That's it! So we launched "Contemporary Worship"-worship that was relevant to seekers and even people off the street. At least that's what we claimed to do. We imported a band, a "praise team" with a mic-a-piece (at first with large colored sponge heads) and we projected recent "praise choruses" on a large screen up front. We developed minute-by-minute schedules, spotlights, renamed the chancel/platform a "stage" and banished all "dead air" in our upbeat fast-paced brightly-lit services. We did this in most growing churches in the 1980s.
A HA! We had it now! We boomers had updated worship and had it the way we wanted it- "Contemporary worship." We were proud of our accomplishments, and the older folk who originally resisted us eventually shut up, died or moved to Florida. We had an atmosphere and musical style particularly suited to our boomer philosophy and tastes. We were satisfied. We had accomplished the revolution! Worship was what it was intended to be! We sat back and enjoyed our "contemporary worship."
The trouble with "contemporary" of course, is that by definition you can never achieve it. What does contemporary mean? Up to date this year? This week? Last night? What "contemporary" meant to most boomers was a 1980's style. The "radical contemporary worship revolution" was not an on-going revolution. Like most revolutionaries we got lazy once we took control. Boomers froze in the musical styles and tastes of the 1980s. Go ahead and see what we still sing... check the copyright dates-more than half of the songs are right out of the 1980's. Many of our boomer worship leaders now complain, "I can't find quality recent music," or, "I just don't connect with this new music." What they mean by this is that recent music doesn't fit their 1980's preferences. Like the Amish froze in the lifestyle of the 19th century, these worship leaders have frozen in the styles of the 1980's. Which is what makes it all so laughable. The students I work with weren't even in kindergarten when this "contemporary" style was introduced. Thus this curious result: most of my students consider our boomer contemporary worship "traditional worship!"
Among Evangelicals every generation seems compelled to make their worship styles reflect their generation's needs and tastes. So, along come the younger Xers and millennial generation who have been raised in "traditional" (that is, boomer) worship and they want to change things again! What is so amusing is how boomers have quickly become traditionalists-defending their own style of worship and resisting the innovations of the young. "If you want to do that-you'll just have to start your own church-you can't do that here."
Actually most boomer worship leaders don't have a clue about the most recent innovations. They are completely out of touch as they perpetuate their 1980's worship style, (with a few 1990's songs tossed in). Boomers have become just like the older folk whose style they overthrew. The revolutionaries became conservatives. And these boomers who now have a death grip on worship can't imagine why all the younger people can't settle down and worship their way-after all "worship isn't about styles anyway-let's just worship God" (meaning "worship God my way and quit trying to change things").
So, what are some of these recent trends the younger folk prefer (and many boomers are resist)?
1. Darkness.
Younger folk don't like boomer "bright light worship." They prefer covering up all the windows with black cloth and turning off most of the lights-leaving a dimly lit room. In this muted atmosphere you can't see the faces of the leaders or most other worshippers. It's a private atmosphere. And there will be candles. Lots of them. They'll light as many as 50 candles spreading them all over the sanctuary providing a flickering almost-spooky light for worship. Aghast, boomers say, "Why it's like a séance in there-it's too much like Devil-worship, I say."
2. Mellow.
Younger folk have largely discarded most of boomer upbeat "happy songs" and replaced them with a mellow mournful almost-blues style music. Triumphant praise choruses play a minor part in this style of worship. Sometimes called "meditative singing," this form of music provides a "sanctuary" or oasis environment in the hectic weekly schedule of the young. The tempo of these songs is often slowed to a crawl, and the tone is sad and mournful. It connects with the somber side of life. Such singing is soft and contemplative. Boomers complain, "It all feels so depressing-I expect worship to pick me up, not take me down."
3. Participation.
Younger folk really believe "worship is the act of the people." They despise performance, spotlights, and ego-tripping soloist-wannabe worship leaders. So how do they keep the worshippers eyes off the band and other worship leaders? They put them in the back, or at the side, and let the worship leader (sitting right in with everybody else) use a mic to start music and keep the tempo moving. Quickly these leaders let their voice die out so that the worshippers hear the collective singing of the entire audience, not the solo-with-accompaniment voice of the worship leader. It is an experience in corporate singing and corporate worship. What is left up front? The projected words on which to meditate, sometimes separate meaningful projected images to dwell on, and even meaningful objects to focus on-like the cross or other symbolic representation. Boomers react, "Nobody is in charge in there-if they'd put somebody in charge up front they could get this thing moving."
4. Singing as prayer.
Young folk see singing as a means of prayer. Boomers saw music primarily as a means of praise. Younger people see singing as a means of everything-praise, prayer and even preaching. Primarily singing is becoming prayer. It is corporate and personal devotions. The quote "He who sings prays twice" is popular among the young. Boomers had prayer too, but not as central to worship. For us boomers prayer is used as a means of getting people to quiet down or as a segue way to the next "set." Younger folk are making prayer the primary content of worship-through singing prayer that includes adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and even supplication.
5. Sensory.
Younger folk want to touch, taste, smell, and feel something in worship along with seeing and hearing. Worship is not something to watch or listen to for them-it is something to sense. Thus they hand out mementoes in worship-a thorn, a piece of string or a grape to hold during the service. They use scented candles hat make the place small like an ancient cathedral. They plan for symbolic actions-like walking to the front to stick the thorn they've been holding into a Styrofoam cross, or to drop the card on which they've written their sins onto metal plate to be burned. They do "stations of the cross" type moving about the room doing different actions at each location. They even are reintroducing frequent Communion, providing an action, touch and taste in one act. Boomers think all this moving around is too much trouble and say, "Why don't they just let me sit here and rest-why do they keep making me walk around or get in groups?"
What is driving these trends? New "bands" dedicated to worship, for sure. But also student movement like the huge ministry to "post moderns" at Graceland (Santa Cruz Bible Church) observed by Andrea Summers (See also Andrea's Andrea's response to this essay). Other influences--and perhaps most significant of all, is the world-wide Taizé student worship movement in Europe which is rapidly spreading and influencing student worship in America. An increasing number of US churches are now offering a Taizé service and young people are thronging to them.
There are, of course, other trends among the next generation's worship but these five seem most prominent now. So, what do you think? Will boomers are early Xers be able to absorb the best of millennial worship preferences? Or, do you agree with me-that to have this sort of worship the younger folk will folk have to start their own worship services? If they start their own worship services what will we call them? Hey, I've got an idea! Let's call it "contemporary worship!" Then we can rename our own services "Traditional worship?"
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
"WE" got it firgured out, Not you!
I get a kick out of these bloggers etc. (Myself included, just check my previous posts) that sound like they got it figured out. And that their political hero can't do anything wrong. My party is doing the greatest thing right now, is yours, I dont think so. One person, because they follow a certain party, can "repeat" all the logic they hear about a certain topic, put it all together from various sources and blog it like "Hey look what I thought up". So anyway, here's to the next biased political post I put on my blog! Don't worry, it's comin soon!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
New Home for this stuff.
I am currently looking for a new home for the following stuff. So if you are interested in buying any of it. Let me know. THis is all stuff that I purchased recently and don't use or have a use for. Or stuff that I can no longer dedicate the time to maintain it.
1. 75 gallon aquarium complete setup. 18 months old.
2. 29 gallon aquarium complete setup. 18 months old.
3. 250GB iomega USB 2.0 external hard drive. 6 months old. 8 hours of use
4. USB hub. NEW
5. 128mb USB storage mini. NEW
6. Subwoofer system for car audio.
7. 13" Male Parachromis Dovii (wolf cichlid)
1. 75 gallon aquarium complete setup. 18 months old.
2. 29 gallon aquarium complete setup. 18 months old.
3. 250GB iomega USB 2.0 external hard drive. 6 months old. 8 hours of use
4. USB hub. NEW
5. 128mb USB storage mini. NEW
6. Subwoofer system for car audio.
7. 13" Male Parachromis Dovii (wolf cichlid)
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Matthew 2:2 "We are come to worship MWS" .......
O come let us adore Him,
O come let us adore Him,
O come let us adore Him
Michael W. Smith
We'll give Him all the glory,
We'll give Him all the glory,
We'll give Him all the glory
Michael W. Smith
Oh, wait.. that's not how it goes..
It should end with "Christ the Lord"
But that is what I got after watching MWS upclose at Creation Fest this year. From the promotion of his new film on the jumbo-trons as his introduction, to how he flicked his hair and ran his hand through his hair as he sang. To his faithful reminder to his fans that he and George W. Bush are buddies.(maybe now isn't a good time to remind us of that) Anyway, Michael W. Smith was a big turn off this year at Creation. At first I thought it was just me being over sensitive to how the show was done.. but everyone I talked to about it felt the same way. He put on more of a "me" show this time than I have ever seen him do. He just seemed like he was really really into himself and all. Now, that's not to say I don't like bands who put on a good show and know who they are as a band. "Mercy Me" put on a big show, they actually brought in extra generators just to power up all Mercy Me's 6+ extra screens.. But I'm sure there is not one person who thinks they were too into themselves. I guess it's all in good taste.. I mean..Mercy Me did the band introductions as they walked off the stage and left no time for people to applaud them individually. (good taste, i thought) The Newsboys put on a huge show every year, but the way that Peter Furler conducts himself just doesn't have the same affect as MWS does. I almost wished Jon Reuben woulda popped his head out from backstage so we could start chanting "Get off the stage" without sounding too rude! But anyway, Michael W. Smith, get over yourself. One thing that I thought of is that he is so successful in his career and now he is a lead actor in a movie. He probably can't help but to get a big head and show off and bring attention to himself on stage.. when he is supposed to be leading worship and pointing all eyes and hearts to God, not his new movie coming out!! Time for a new worship leader.. If you think so too, Matt Redman is coming in the fall!
O come let us adore Him,
O come let us adore Him
Michael W. Smith
We'll give Him all the glory,
We'll give Him all the glory,
We'll give Him all the glory
Michael W. Smith
Oh, wait.. that's not how it goes..
It should end with "Christ the Lord"
But that is what I got after watching MWS upclose at Creation Fest this year. From the promotion of his new film on the jumbo-trons as his introduction, to how he flicked his hair and ran his hand through his hair as he sang. To his faithful reminder to his fans that he and George W. Bush are buddies.(maybe now isn't a good time to remind us of that) Anyway, Michael W. Smith was a big turn off this year at Creation. At first I thought it was just me being over sensitive to how the show was done.. but everyone I talked to about it felt the same way. He put on more of a "me" show this time than I have ever seen him do. He just seemed like he was really really into himself and all. Now, that's not to say I don't like bands who put on a good show and know who they are as a band. "Mercy Me" put on a big show, they actually brought in extra generators just to power up all Mercy Me's 6+ extra screens.. But I'm sure there is not one person who thinks they were too into themselves. I guess it's all in good taste.. I mean..Mercy Me did the band introductions as they walked off the stage and left no time for people to applaud them individually. (good taste, i thought) The Newsboys put on a huge show every year, but the way that Peter Furler conducts himself just doesn't have the same affect as MWS does. I almost wished Jon Reuben woulda popped his head out from backstage so we could start chanting "Get off the stage" without sounding too rude! But anyway, Michael W. Smith, get over yourself. One thing that I thought of is that he is so successful in his career and now he is a lead actor in a movie. He probably can't help but to get a big head and show off and bring attention to himself on stage.. when he is supposed to be leading worship and pointing all eyes and hearts to God, not his new movie coming out!! Time for a new worship leader.. If you think so too, Matt Redman is coming in the fall!
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Learning; Isn't that what it's all about?
These last couple days have been a learning experience for me. Through dicussion and explanation I have been learning some important lessons that I hope stick with me. I learned that it is ok to disagree with someone, and it is healthy to discuss your disagreements. One reason it is good is because both parties have the oppurtunity to understand each other more clearly. So even if you do not agree with someone, if you take the time and make the effort to understand, you may avoid hard feelings and unnecessary and wrong assumptions about them. So all in all I found it out to be good. Granted that the dicussions are not over, and as they say "The best is yet to come". Meaning I am awaiting an explanation that should clear up any misunderstanding I may have had. That is not to say that I will agree with everything that is explained, and it's not to say that I will disagree with any of it.. It's simply saying that I will hopefully have an understanding. And at that point, whether I agree or disagree is irrelevant!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Am I Really That Shallow??
I wonder if I am really that shallow that when people start trashing my efforts and putting me down, that I let it get to me? Do I really depend on other people's opinions of me to tell what mood I'll be in? Am I really that shallow? I'd like to think i'm not, but idk, no one ever sees themself the same way other people do. Maybe you can help me if you know me. It'd be cool, cause this is really starting to suck majorly. Or, maybe I don't want to hear what you have to say, that is, if, i'm really as shallow as I think I may be -------
Friday, July 08, 2005
Creation 2002.... 05 whatever
I went to Creation Fest this year.. but it was different for me.. and it seems like the meaning changed.. It's not that I don't like it.. It's idk.. Actually I was asked tonight, via email, why/what I felt that way about it. So maybe when I reply to the email.. i'll post it as the rest of this post.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Lost my bookmarks
When my firefox when ka-put i lost my bookmarks and my bookmark titled 'Blogs'. I need a favor. If you read this post and have a blog of your own, could you please leave a comment so i have your blog address again. I don't konw how to retrieve my list! I'm lost without my daily dose of blog reading. THANx
Saturday, June 25, 2005
PK 2005; The Last Day
Well, I was back at PK this morning and was tired as crap! But, I still got up and went. Today was the day I was looking fwd. to , actually it was this afternoon that I was looking fwd. to. But at the same time I was not looking fwd. to it, because it would expose who I am and expose me for what I do with my life. For the last few months my life has been spiraling out of control. One thing after another after another, from things I would neglect to do that should be done to things I would do even tho I knew (not thought) knew were wrong. To scarring relationships with the people I love the most, to ruining ones that could have been great. To neglecting God's Word each night to not living it on a daily basis! But at the same time my heart burned within my chest and I yearned to do the will of God. And be the man that God intended me to be! I can relate to the Apostle Paul when he said (Paraphrased) "I do what I hate and I hate what I do, but all the while have a sincere desire to do differently". That is what he meant anyway. The weekends Promise Keepers theme is "Begin your unpredictable adventure". Through the power of the Holy Spirit and with Jesus as my guide and counselor, I WILL begin my unpredictable adventure. I'm not saying that it's going to be easy because quite honestly sometime the struggle and the fight just really suck! I hear that Jesus is 'the way, the truth and the life' but all the while I'm living my way, not knowing what real truth is and risking missing out on Life. I am convinced that I am spiritually asleep and need a spiritual awakening process. I need to be woke up and become a spiritual warrior! I had lost hope in my heart and doubted that I would come back to that place in my life again, or at least for along time! I've learned and am studying the characteristics of an awakened warrior; 1. An awakened warrior guards his heart. Something that I am guilty of not doing, I got to the point in my life where if it was good for the moment, what the hell, do it! But with the help of Jesus Christ I will work to be the awakened warrior He wants me to be. 2. An awakened warrior walks in the spirit. nuff said about that.. #1 speaks enough about my lack in that dept. and 3. An awakened warrior gets back up when he falls! Listening to God speak to me is said to be an important part of learning, growing and living a true life. 5 things that can help me to get into the Word daily are these; 1. Find a time and place that is stictly for reading the Word, no interruptions. 2. Read until God speaks to me. 3. Read Daily! 4. Share what I read. now there is an issue, sure I can share what I read with my family, but to do that with other men brings a whole different perspective. thats not the issue. The issue is that where I come from we are taught that 'small group'/'mens group' is a no-no. Why, I honestly can't say, but i've been saying for a year now that we should do it, have a mens group. But some of the men who I talk to about have a hang up somewhere. I do not know what it is, but I can only suspect. Could it be that the pastor thinks it's 'not necessary and could lead to a division among the brothers' so the men don't want to go against the pastor EVEN THOUGH they feel it is perfectly in God's approval?? I don't know, I can only guess. ok, #5 KEEP GOING. keep reading and progressing. And I add my own #6 LIVE IT. live what I read no just read it but put it into practice daily! Why is this so hard when I desperately have the desire!!?? whew. !! In starting to discover my purpose in life some of the things that were pointed out to me were these; God has made me a unique person. And not only am I unique, but God has given me a unique passion. That passion makes life worth the living. God made me the way I am so I could do what it is He wants me to do. And God has designed me for a unique purpose. Ok, I admit, sometime this is very very hard to believe. But through the power of Jesus, I will strive to believe and trust the source, GOD. In the homelife, my homelife can and does come a bumpy road! concerning kids (now, I don't have kids,,,,yet. But someday I want to have a family of my own, a wife to adore and cherish and love and who loves me unconditionally and kids that look at me and love me) I think i'll cry alot when/if I'm a daddy someday. I hope and pray that I get to see that day when I have the privilege to bring a child into the world! But back to what I was saying! Concerning kids, (now i do have some that I am responsible for as they were my own) involvment is HUGE to them. Involvement comes from availibility. One of the hardest things "HAS BEEN" to 'live according to the way so I can train according to the way'. But through the power of the blood that has changed tonight! I understand that to teach kids, i must be transparent to them, admitting when i'm wrong, and apologizing!!! Even kids know that talk is cheap, most of them learn that from their parents ! Just as I am unique I have to remember that each child is unique. I cannot use a one style of training fits all. But one thing that is universal is that the fear of the Lord is top priority in training children. Not only for them but for them to see it in me. My work, OH NO THE THOUGHT OF IT! ! ! I know that everyone must work, or not eat as the Bible says. I was taught, and am still pondering the things that I must take to work with me each day (And none included my brother, YES!) but ok, i'll still take him. :) The things I must take to work are 1.a sense of calling. Now I don't know about you, but that's a new concept. Calling to be an engine rebuilder. I didn't ask or apply for the job. It fell in my lap 10 years ago fresh out of highschool. But with alittle bit of understanding and instruction I am beginning to see where they are coming from when they say 'a sense of calling'. So much for that, i was going to use the word 'calling' to be the reason why I would 'resign'. JK! I am to receive my work as worship, everything I do, everyone I meet (ugh) I am to consider it worship and do it to the best of my ability for the Lord. In doing that I am to pour myself into my God given assignments. Even tho is my boss telling me what do to, it is God telling him. (Of course it's not God through him when he tells me to beet up the neighbor kids) but I am old and wise and can discern that I think! And ultimately, in all of this, God will reward me. #2. is Responsibility. Provision is tied to responsibility. In reality if I don't work and bring home the bread, we don't eat. So that is pretty basic for me. i think. I am to run from the tendency to be lazy and stick to MY business. not anyone elses but mine. THAT is responsibility. #3. is VALUE. Where ever I work, where ever God places me should be a better place because I work there. We should make an impression on that work place and bring value to it. And even when I feel ontop my game, I am never to stop progressing and learning. Improving my skills has no end. #4 Credibility. Being Honest, Honorable and trustworthy and a big part of credibility. One way to know what we will do in the future for a boss, is what we have done in the past. If we've been a slacker, we will be a slacker. If we were productive and an assett, we will continue to be productive and more of an assett. And in wondering why God doesnt give me bigger and better things, is because I have to ask myself; 'have I been faithful with and am I developing in what He has already given me or where I am now?? and #5. Sense of Mission. If I don't go to work on a mission for souls, i've missed something in the Christian life. Not necessarily to preach to everyone. but to win them by the life I live and the way I work in fear and reverance for the Lord Jesus Christ. With Him as my guide and my strength I will pursue the righteousness of Christ. Will it be hard?? Harder than I know!! Am I committed?? Only while walking by the side of the One who will hold my hand!! Do I fear?? You bet!! Dear God, I am venturin into a new phase of life. fearful; fearful of you and of what I'm entering into. Please Lord, don't let it be a one month thing and then die off !!!! Let it be a one life thing and enter into eternal life !!
Now if you read this by chance and think "Man, Jeff, lemme give ya a hug, man." You missed it, need more a slap on the back of hte head and saying, "c'mon, get with it dude, you are wasting your life and who knows who elses" !!
Now if you read this by chance and think "Man, Jeff, lemme give ya a hug, man." You missed it, need more a slap on the back of hte head and saying, "c'mon, get with it dude, you are wasting your life and who knows who elses" !!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
PK 2005; my first night
Ok, so Promise Keepers 2005 has brought its first night. I attended and was encouraged and inspired. But being encouraged and inspired is totally useless IF I dont put them into works and into change. If I could tell you bluntly, last year, PK 2004 was a waste for me, it was useless, only because I am worse off spiritually one year later. But my heart breaks and yearns to be the man God wants me to be. I plead and I cry to God to give me the strength to change whatever it is that is my stumbling block. I search and search I pray and I pray but still there is something that is missing. Is it God, that is missing? Idk, Like I said, i'm confused about what isn't going right in this puzzle. It's like once I do something I shouldn't or don't do something I should, it's a downward spiral and its Fast, just incase you were wondering. I mean I could sit there and listen to the speakers and say "That's some good stuff" "That's a good way to put it" "thats a good challenge" but if I never put it into practice, accept and meet the challenges or if my poor spiritual condition dosen't improve, (Read my fingers) IT IS ALL FOR NOTHING ! ! ! USELESS AS TRASH ! ! ! If I don't open my proud eyes and listen, accept AND CHANGE, i'm dead. But I cannot do it without Christ, He is by far the most important part of this if it's going to work. That's the kicker, I'm not sure what's missing. And btw, this post is not asking for advice or nothing. Oh, and one speaker said. That to be encouraged you need to surround youself with men of God, but when i try to do that, they don't seem to have the interest to be looked up to by this struggling young man. Or they will deny that i'm struggling as much as I am. (Whacking them on head) Hello, I'm telling you im slipping and falling.. Hello!! Don't disregard my cry for help, o friend !! Ok, so i'm off to sleep, encouraged and inspired.. will it last. God I hope so.. I leave at 6 a.m. for a full day on Saturday. See what I come back with then ..
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To Kelly
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To Kelly
Happy Birthday To You
Need Help With Firefox!!
I opened firefox and it gave me the option to pick either "Default" or "Default User" when I chose default user it didnt let me open.. when I chose Default.. it opened but with no favorites or nothing.. Im lost do any of you (Jon C.) know how to recover my lost bookmarks/settings. Or am I back to square one? I appreciate any input.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
No More Mr. Nice Guy
See my boss at work was right no more mr nice guy i feel like im always tryin to be a nice guy but in the end always gettin screwed and everytime i get the short end of the deal i say that next time ill just leave without confirming that you dont need a ride or ill just not consider you or whatever just shut up jeff no one cares anyway sometime i feel like i ramble and the cup that holds my pens and pencils and silver sharpies looks at me and says enough already dude the pity party is working ot as it is yeh cup that holds that stuff i know i get it anway if you didnt get the news no more mr nice guy
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