Harold Camping of Family Radio predicts the end of the world, judgment day, will be May 21, 2011.. One month from today.
One who make biblical predictions would rightly be termed a prophet. Mr. Camping also predicted that judgment day would be in 1994. First he said September 6, 1994, then Sept. 7, then Sept. 29, then Oct. 2, then March 31, 1995...... see a trend here?
Deuteronomy 18:21, 22 "And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him."
Mr. Camping now predicts that the end of the world will be May 21, 2011. Granted that he, himself, is a perfect description of Deuteronomy 18's definition of a 'false prophet'. One who predicts that it does not come to pass.
Luke 12:40 "You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."
Mr. Camping and his followers 'expect' Him on May 21, to everyone else that is a guarantee that He will not return on that date.
Mr. Camping seems to hold fast to 2Peter 3:8 when it comes to days and years. " 8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."
Everywhere in the bible it talks about days, he seems to translate that into years, except the first 7 days in Genesis 1. as inconsistent as it makes his teaching, 7 days is still 7 days in Genesis.
Harold Camping teaches that 'the church age' is over, and satan is in control of all the churches and we should avoid churches because of (1 Th 5:22 KJV) "Abstain from all appearance of evil."
In case any Bible believing Christian wondered if Harold Camping may be on to something here are a few quotes from Harold Camping from his book "We are almost there"
" These verses clearly teach us that all the work required to save was finished from the foundation of the world. " (We Are Almost There! p.32)
" when Jesus went to the cross, He was not there to pay for our sins. That payment was fully made more than 11,000 years earlier. But in His great love, He was willing to go through all the agony of bearing God’s wrath on behalf of those He had come to save so that we would see with our own eyes (through the Bible), the enormous payment that was required. " (We Are Almost There! p.34)
" God’s justice did not require that the payment for the sins of the elect be paid twice. This was an extra, unnecessary act of magnificent love by God. " (We Are Almost There! p.34)
" Now we understand that Christ suffered once to pay for our sins, and He suffered a second time to demonstrate how He paid for our sins. " (We Are Almost There! p.34)
" The living tableau that showed how Jesus bore the wrath of God for our sins ended when Jesus cried out, “It is finished.” It was a terrible agony Christ had to experience for a second time. However, the second time was not as an effort to pay for our sins, but to show us and the principalities and powers how He suffered, before the world was created, in order to make the full payment. " (We Are Almost There! p.37)
So, for anyone who is wondering, "Is May 21, 2011 really the day?", if you still believe this false prophet after the very small amount of detail I posted here.
Many people have called up the show to ask some direct questions that he avoids. Questions such as:
Does family radio has a schedule for May 22?
Will you sign all of family radio and your personal property and money over to me as of May 22?
What if we see May 22?
If this is true and obviously the biggest event of all time, why is it only you teaching it?
Are you saved?
When these questions are asked, he simply talks over, hangs up or does not answer.
IMO, this guy is so old that he will probably die from the shock of the world not ending and will not have to face the music.
The Bible teaches that no one knows the day or the hour of the end, not even the angels or the Son, but only the Father.
Mr. Camping and all his confused cult like followers can believe or convince themselves that it will all end in one month, but I would be willing to bet that most of them don't really believe that. If they did, you would be able to look into their financial matters and family matters and see that they have set themselves up to be majorly screwed if we see May 22. Real faith is the belief in something that if it does not or is not as we believe,,, we are up a creek. Do these followers really have no job left as of May 21? Are they out of money? Are they out of a house?
One man asked some followers to enter into a verbal contract that the follower would sign over all his money, property and belongings to him as of May 22, 2011 in an act of faith that Camping was right. And the follower answered that question just like Mr. Camping answers all questions of that (potentially harmful) question. "I'm not going to entertain anything like that. Why worry about a day that will never come?" They avoid the question and the only conclusion we can come to as of why... is they really do no believe... Are they going to kill themselves on May 22? Or just make more excuses as they did 5 times back in 1994..!!??
So if no one knows except the father..... and Mr. Camping claims to know........ I feel like Jerry Springer should come on stage now say.......... "Harold................... you are NOT the Father".... and explosive cheers from the people erupt.
Camping claims we are in the tribulation now......wait,, what? really? Man the Bible really amped that up for effect, this is nothing compared to what it said it would be.. .but oh wait, let's ask Camping, maybe it was all figurative.... yeh, that sounds good.
Unless Jesus returns between now and May 20, I will be blogging on May 22 2011, only because I have confidence that no one knows the day or the hour. Not even the Son, OR Harold Camping. shocking, I know. But it's true.
If I could say one thing to Harold Camping, it would be this one simple yet profound statement,
"You can't play Calvin Ball with the Bible"
Really, you can't
my info. was gathered in part from www.refutecamping.com
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