Thursday, July 01, 2004

***I have had friends who like to pick and choose what part of the Christian life they wanted to be involved in. Like, ok, let's see, oh that part of it would make me change so i can't do that. And oh, no I want to be a Christian but I can't give up that. I mean people did it in the Bible so I'm sure I'll still get to Heaven. And that, oh, God will understand, I'm addicted, God understands and won't hold it against me. I'm forgiven, I'm saved, God chooses my life now, God took my freewill all I do is His choice now. But the Bible mentions that Paul did something like 'this' once so if God forgave him, he'll forgive me too. I'm a Christian,I just don't hold alot of your values but I'm sure God will still take me to Heaven. Faith in God? what do you mean, I'm saved, why do I need faith in God. I'm going to heaven anyway, what difference does it make. Oh, sin isn't that bad once you are saved. Once you are saved you can never go to Hell for sinning, you will just lose some rewards in Heaven, but no hell no matter what you do !!!! ***
Ok, believe it or not, all that I just typed I have actually heard. I do not agree with it but people really do believe that way!! It's time to pray for them.

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