Monday, October 18, 2004

Democrats taking the lowfile

If I was to vote this election, I would vote Replublican. Because it is my right to vote for whoever I want to. But I would like the bloggers, who constantly trash conservatives and constantly uphold the Liberals even when they have to overlook massive cons and search for a little pro here or there, to back up there blogs after Nov. 2.

I don't think Demos will win, I think Repubs will win. I pray for that daily. But in the event that Kerry does win, I will pray harder every day.

Also, for all the Christians who vote Liberal this November, and if you win this election. I would like you to keep a tab of how many things the Democrats do that are against the general church of Christ.

But for some reason , everyone is right, right? haha

Most critical 4 years!

As parents, we choose to have children and therefore we are obligated to sacrifice almost everything in our life to raise, teach and protect...