Thursday, July 01, 2004

Why does everyone in the "Greatest nation on God's green earth" refuse to mention God or Jesus Christ in the public square. I mean don't we think He deserves a little bit of credit for something??

The Mayflower Compact-The first government document in this land says that:
"Those people came here to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ"

Of the 56 that signed the Declaration of Independence 27 had seminary degrees!

Government proclamations on July 4th said "People of America we need to stop and thank God Almighty for what He has done in this nation that he has raised this nation up to propagate the Gospel across the world"

Why is it not a religious holiday anymore.. it was.. for 150 years after the Declaration of Independence!


Saturday July 3, 2004 you better show up at Lawncrest for our humble July 4th celebratoin! Be at my house in the a.m. for the parade !! Yeh it usually sucks but its entertaining anyway.. specially the boyscout band !!!!
***I have had friends who like to pick and choose what part of the Christian life they wanted to be involved in. Like, ok, let's see, oh that part of it would make me change so i can't do that. And oh, no I want to be a Christian but I can't give up that. I mean people did it in the Bible so I'm sure I'll still get to Heaven. And that, oh, God will understand, I'm addicted, God understands and won't hold it against me. I'm forgiven, I'm saved, God chooses my life now, God took my freewill all I do is His choice now. But the Bible mentions that Paul did something like 'this' once so if God forgave him, he'll forgive me too. I'm a Christian,I just don't hold alot of your values but I'm sure God will still take me to Heaven. Faith in God? what do you mean, I'm saved, why do I need faith in God. I'm going to heaven anyway, what difference does it make. Oh, sin isn't that bad once you are saved. Once you are saved you can never go to Hell for sinning, you will just lose some rewards in Heaven, but no hell no matter what you do !!!! ***
Ok, believe it or not, all that I just typed I have actually heard. I do not agree with it but people really do believe that way!! It's time to pray for them.
Silver Sharpies make good tatoo markers

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I think that every person, every so often, stops and thinks, "What's my purpose? When do things change? Where am I headed?" If you've never had any of those thoughts, you are unique i'd like to talk to you. I don't think such a person exists.

Monday, June 28, 2004

September 11, 2001 terrorists flew planes into an American land mark and killed 3,000 people. The nation vowed to "Never Forget" and countrieds around the world pledged trillions of dollars in the vengance of the 3,000 that were killed. It was considered the worst terrorist attack in american history. People wrote songs, poems, books, etc about it and made millions! President Bush as set out to wipe out terrorists in the world and many nations are helping him. thousands of coalition soliders are being killed for their countries and for freedom. Many homes are being ruined and broken. People are comitting suicide because they cannot take what they go through in the foreign countries that they are stationed in. All this for 3,000 innocent lives that America vowed to "NEVER FORGET"! But it seems that we force ourselves to forget and overlook that staggering FACT that 30,000 children die from hunger EVERYDAY! 30,000 children a day die in this world every day because we are spending too much time and money on a controversial war in comparison to what our great nation spends on feeding hungry children around the world!! We go nuts and spend trillions on a war that many argue shouldn't have been faught and we let innocent children who never had a chance, die because we "Always forget" , we force ourselves to forget about them! The majority of the people in the Trade towers were adults who had lived a good life for a decent amount of years and had the oppurtunity to choose what direction their life was going in or at least had a chance! The kids in these third world countries are living in poverty at the fault of someone else and everyone turns their head! What's wrong with us?

Matthew 25- “Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto me.”
They are called the liberal left secular Democrats for a reason. Notice the word 'secular' not 'Christian'. Hmmmm.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

As a note to Deb and kelly Hoster..... Fred McNaughton says,"Tell them we missed them up here, they are good people!"
One week later and I'm back from Creation! It rocked more than ever!

Most critical 4 years!

As parents, we choose to have children and therefore we are obligated to sacrifice almost everything in our life to raise, teach and protect...