Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Because everyone deserves a Christmas present..

Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue
Wrap your presents to your darling from you
Pretty pencils to write “I love you”
Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue

Crowded street, busy feet hustle by him
Downtown shoppers, Christmas is nigh
There he sits all alone on the sidewalk
Hoping that you won’t pass him by

Should you stop?, better not, much too busy
You’re in a hurry, my how time does fly
In the distance the ringing of laughter
And in the midst of the laughter he cries

Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue
Wrap your presents to your darling from you
Pretty pencils to write “I love you”
Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blue

Monday, December 05, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Be Thankful

Being thankful is one of the greatest ways to self motivate. It goes right along with being optimistic as I've written before. Being thankful is not always easy and the majority may say it's not easy most of the time. There is always something to be bummed out about or to get you down. A sense of genuine thankfulness is something you much choose to have. Whether you experience a huge disappointment at work or in your personal life, or a loss of something or someone, there is no reason why you can't express your thankfulness at the same time. To lose sight of what we have to be thankful for at a time of disappointment or loss is the beginning of a slide down. Moments like that are a opportunity to make a decision to be thankful for the many blessings you enjoy or focus on the negative and what you don't have or how your friends are blessed more than you are.

If you can't find it in your heart to be thankful, raise your line of sight from seeing others and what they have, to seeing God and what He has to offer.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Spouses- stop talking bad about your other half

Have you ever had the unpleasant experience of being the ear that hears complaints of someones spouse? It seems that the topic of conversation goes back to complaining about their wife or husband time after time. Before we even consider what God's Word says about it, lets consider what common sense says about it.

Without your spouse, you are only half. 

Common sense would say that talking bad about your spouse only reflects your bad qualities as a husband or wife. When you are complaining often about them and their ways, it shows your stubbornness as a couple to resolve conflict or issues in your marriage. It shows your lack of forgiveness for their wrong ways and decisions. It proclaims that you are not happy in your marriage.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Hey adult, your kid stole your phone!

You ever get a text message from someone and it takes you three times as long to read it and decipher it because they saved 3 letters and 2 seconds by shortening every single word (even 3 letter words) in the text?

I'm reading a 20 word text right now from an adult over 30 and they shortened 11 words..even 2 and 3 letter words. although they left a 12 letter word whole. (go figure)

In the age of smart phones and auto correct on every phone, there is no need to portray yourself as a retard or an invalid or just a person who can't type or spell. It looks as though you got a text from a 10 year old who missed phonics in 2nd grade.

There are though anagrams that will never go away, but I think those are different. they are universal throughout all texting an emailing. Ones such as 'brb' 'btw' 'lol' 'imo' and so on.. Anagrams are different than just being lazy, creative or uneducated.

So, big people, be big, write it out. Your phone will actually do it for you if you let it. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Random picture post

Anita sanding a spoon

Betcha can't eat just one... box


 Big big sundae
 On a date with Daddy
 Spring planting
 Bed time prayers

 Fun in the car
Until big sister wants it back
 Anita's first boat ride

 No, I won't, I'm not even going to look

 I'll teach you to touch my stuff

 Make yourself at home
 If I want to watch Dora wearing only a rain coat... I will!

Most critical 4 years!

As parents, we choose to have children and therefore we are obligated to sacrifice almost everything in our life to raise, teach and protect...