Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Blogger comments

*ATTENTION*This is NOT an attack on Jon Carlson, I respect the man*btw, congrats on the wedding coming up soon!

After a recent comment about Jon's blog I decided to blog in some detail why I think that most blogs should have comments enabled. You see, awhile back I had comments disabled on a certain blog post. It was unintentional but it happened to be controversial as I recall and my friend Shauna inquired as to why I had comments diabled on this post, at that point I realized that if I blog publicly and especially if I blog things that could tend to be controversial, I am somewhat obligated to allow public comments. The reason being that if I post something that someone has a question about and they email me, I could be offended by the email, hurt that I was wrong, or any other reason and just ignore the email. Or if the blog their own response to my blog , I may not know them or their blog and therefore not ever read what they had to say. I think that by me having my comments enabled, I am then vulnerable to people publicly scruntanizing what I have to say. If they ask the question or make the comment in private, I can snuff it and go on, if they do so in public I am more likely to respond. I respect the opinions of anyone else and what they do with their own possessions, But that, folks, is why I keep comments turned ON.

But then again, I don't have the same concerns as others, I'm not sure who else besides Shauna actually reads this thing.

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Most critical 4 years!

As parents, we choose to have children and therefore we are obligated to sacrifice almost everything in our life to raise, teach and protect...