Sunday, October 02, 2005

Heaven and Hell

I've heard some different things about who goes and who does not, concerning Heaven.
First question: does the Bible really tell us that it is our place to decide who is saved or going to heaven and who is not and is damned to hell?
Second: I heard recently in speaking about Noah's day and the ark, that there were only 8 ppl saved back then when the flood came and "It seems that there will only be 8 this time too". Meaning when Jesus comes back. 8 people saved out of 6 billion? Does that seem right to you? That's worse odds than the PowerBall Lottery!! Anyway, just a couple things that really boggled my mind and I thought I'd put them out there.

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As parents, we choose to have children and therefore we are obligated to sacrifice almost everything in our life to raise, teach and protect...