Thursday, January 12, 2006

That Being Said.......

In a follow up to my previous post (which, incase you are a pesimist, is a tribute to my pastor) That being said, I've been thinking about how much people, myself included, like to only point out the negative sides or sides they don't agree with. Like we could sit through a church service and the next couple days we discuss all the points that we think our pastor was wrong. Or,, we read a popular book and then discuss and point out all the places the author was wrong or off track with our beliefs. Well, I was made aware of that recently when my uncle called me and told me he had been reading Rick Warren's book "Purpose driven Life" and mentioned that there were a few things that he did not agree with but him and the family were enjoying the wisdom and good points that were in the book. I came away from the convo thinking, "That man just expounded on the good points and only made brief reference that there were some things he didn't agree with". I think that is a model to follow. Unless of course we search for the negative in others. I try not to but oh how easy it is to put down than lift up. Can I get an Amen to that?

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