Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Lord show me ...

I was sort of wondering how it is when we know something is God's will or not. We pray and ask God to show us his will or show us if something we are contemplating is his will, but all the while there is our own human desires in the back of our minds that wants what we want. And we subconciously decide what must happen for us to know it is God's will or our answer to prayer. Like we may be praying to know whether or not its God's will for us to quit our job or not and decide that if the boss curses us out and threatens us one more time we know it is God's will for us to quit. Or, we may be praying for the wisdom to know what to do in the situation of how to handle a problem. And we ask God for the answer but all the while already know what we are going to do. Probably doesnt make sense, but sometime it is amusing of how some people blame a mistake on the fact that they felt it was God's will. A better approach is do what we feel is right and be certain that God will show us in some way if it is not his will. And being open and willing to accept the reprimand we may get from Him. \\\\\

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