Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Congratulations you're ruining her childhood

We were shopping at Walmart on Saturday when we turned down the freezer aisle, there was a black woman about 40-45 years old with daughter of about 4-5. The little girl was on the phone looking sheepish when the mom walked up to her and smacked her on the head with an open hand and yelled "Shut up you a**hole". The little girl began to cry and beg for the person on the other end of the line "Can I please come to your house, my mom is hitting me again". and to that the mom walked up and got real close to the girl and said "I'm gonna f**k you up".
By this time the girl was sobbing loudly on the phone and the mom kept leaning down to talk to her as they walked away. What a great great mom that is. Maybe she had a bad day or was stressed from a hard day, but that's no reason to take it out on a child! I was hoping a display rack might fall over on her or something but no such luck. That little girl probably has a living hell at home, or at least whenever her mom needs someone to hold accountable for whatever she is dealing with in her life. I think to myself in those situations, 'this person has the great opportunity at this moment to make or break this child, and because of their own selfish ambitions and complete lack of responsibility for their children, they treat them like an inconvenience instead of like the great gift and beauties that they are'.

That's her. If you see her smack her with a back of frozen chicken wings or something.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone4

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Most critical 4 years!

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