Friday, February 02, 2018

Loving like 1 Corinthians

Love is a crazy thing. How do we really know what love is? When we are growing up we might often wonder if we really love someone. We say the words 'I love you' to parents and siblings but do we really know what they mean, the depth and magnitude those words hold. Webster's dictionary defines love as "a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person". I don't know.... that doesn't sound like the real definition of love. So we look to the place where we seek all our answers, the Bible.
1 Corinthians says "...... if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing". In our trials and tests we often pray for faith the size of a mustard seed and we are pretty thankful when we get the victory we are praying for. Imagine what faith that can move a mountain would do? And yet Paul writes to the Corinthians that we could have all the faith in the world but if we do not have love, we are nothing. Not just less or a disappointment or something minor, just flat out nothing. And again in verse 3 Paul writes "If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." We can give all we have over and over to obey scripture and help everyone we ever know is in need, but if we do it without love, it's worthless, we should have just kept it all. We can do many things in our life and may seem like a really good person, but all that done without love is worthless and we are nothing.
Further in 1Corinthians 13:4-8 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails".  Now that's a better definition than Mr. Webster could ever write. If we ever had the thought pass our mind "do I really love them?" Or if we say we love someone but don't show it, that verse clears it up pretty quick. Love is patient. How often do we lose our temper, get annoyed at our spouse or secretly wish they would hurry up. Are we ok with our kids or spouse taking as long as they need to learn something or figure things out? Or does our patience wear thin when they don't snap to it. Our level of patience would indicate if we really loved them. Love is kind. Are we compassionate and kind? Do we speak kindly to our kids and spouse or anyone we meet In a day? Do we have a kind heart that sees needs and react? Love does not envy. When someone we know or our spouse gets a better shake than we do or has better things or can afford nice things, do we envy them are we jealous of their blessings? Love does not boast. Bragging, boasting and gloating have no place in the mouth of one who truly loves. Are we always bragging about the things we do or always talking about the 'things' we bought?  All we are doing is saying how great we are! We are not great. That's not what we were created to do. That's not what we were created to be. Love everyone in your heart. Have divine love in your heart for everyone. Genuinely desire the best for each and every person you meet. If someone has something against you or treats you badly... bless them. Love never fails.

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Most critical 4 years!

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