Sunday, October 16, 2005

Do you hurt?

And I thought I hurt! You ever think of committing suicide? And then tell about it? Over and over? If you attempt and fail without an injury maybe you need a sure fire way! I thought that in the past that I hurt and when ppl would talk to me I felt sorry for myself.. But when I started to hear kids stories of when they tried to kill themselves and ended up almost bleeding to death or gunshot wounds ...... I realized that maybe I didn't hurt as much as I would have liked ppl to believe. There are kids who hurt so much that they will cut themselves to make the real pain go away for a moment! The pain of the cutting will ease the pain of their reality! To make that more real for you take a knife and try to cut your arm, on the top between your wrist and elbow. It would take a heck of alot of pain to cause self injury! We are like animals and our instincts are to self preserve. I don't know what else to say, but compared to these kids that i've had the privilege of hearing their stories,,,, I haven't hurt yet in my life!

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Most critical 4 years!

As parents, we choose to have children and therefore we are obligated to sacrifice almost everything in our life to raise, teach and protect...