Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Be Thankful

Being thankful is one of the greatest ways to self motivate. It goes right along with being optimistic as I've written before. Being thankful is not always easy and the majority may say it's not easy most of the time. There is always something to be bummed out about or to get you down. A sense of genuine thankfulness is something you much choose to have. Whether you experience a huge disappointment at work or in your personal life, or a loss of something or someone, there is no reason why you can't express your thankfulness at the same time. To lose sight of what we have to be thankful for at a time of disappointment or loss is the beginning of a slide down. Moments like that are a opportunity to make a decision to be thankful for the many blessings you enjoy or focus on the negative and what you don't have or how your friends are blessed more than you are.

If you can't find it in your heart to be thankful, raise your line of sight from seeing others and what they have, to seeing God and what He has to offer.

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Most critical 4 years!

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