Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More 'rock solid' advice for oblivious guys

You ever see those guys who are really on the go all the time when they are single, and you think to yourself "He'll settle down when he gets married" and then he gets married and you say "He'll settle down when he has kids" and then he has kids and you start to wonder if he'll ever settle down, tone down his 'me time' and take the responsibility of his family that his wife has been carrying for years? 

I'm going to attempt to explain what these guys are thinking so that if you are one of those overworked wives or know one, you will have a better idea of how this guy justifies his marriage maintenance or the lack thereof.

Most guys work 40+ hours a week and for the most part they do work hard. Some manual labor others use their brain, which can  be more exhausting at times. By the time quitting time rolls around they are ready to go home eat dinner and just sit and relax, or take a nap. No interruptions, no kids, no phone calls, 'no more work',, nothing but relaxing after we went out and busted our backs to bring home the bacon. And by all means our wives should understand that! They sit at home all day, I mean, yeah, they might do a little wash or wash the dishes but they are still home, they are still where they can take a break whenever they want, sit down, grab a snack watch a movie, play with the kids,,,,,,  So when I get home, her duty is to get the kids out of my hair so I can relax in peace and quiet. Or my weekends, after the 40 hour daily grind, the weekend should be mine! Fishing, hunting, sports or whatever it's my weekend after working all week! Seriously, you really have a problem with this?

Good! I have a problem with it too. There are too many guys I know that wholeheartedly believe that the scenario above is the norm and can't understand why their wives are worn out and at their breaking point.

When I got married one of my aunts told me "your wife is you life". 

Now while that statement is true and to have a happy wife is a happy life and many more clever quotes are true, alot of guys feel that to 'work' for this is .... well... work. If you don't have a desire to make her happy and have it be your new way of life, it will always be a burden. When is the last time you did things that you think are the 'wife's job' without her having to 'ask' you to do it? I've had guys jokingly say to me that dishes, laundry, cleaning etc. etc. are 'the wife's job'. Saying "she's the wife, it's her job". If your wife has to ask you to wash dishes, ask you to do laundry, ask you to clean up the house, ask you to change the baby, ask you to entertain while she cooks your dinner, ask you to cook dinner and many more chores and jobs, if she has to ask you time after time to actually get to you think about doing those things, you're in for problems down the road, if not now. By taking on the mindset that she is the wife and all those 'homemaker' things are her job (even though she feels differently) you are cutting off a communication line. She would be thrilled if you were to take the initiative to wash all the dishes and clean up the dinner mess or clean up the bedroom or any number of things. But because you laid down the law (hey, you are the boss) and she knows the rules, she won't bring it up for fear you  might get back into your speech about her being the wife, being home all day and you working oh so hard all day and all week and blah blah blah. But if she were 'allowed' to bring up those subjects of conversation and concern it would open up a whole new part of your marriage.. called... 'communication'. And following that, better quality of life for you and your kids. But if you choose to be the top dog in your house, things will keep on as they are. Even though you may think all is well,, consider this:

You work all day, you are tired, you need a break, you need a rest, you need peace and quiet.
She works all day, she is tired, she needs a break, she needs a rest, she needs peace and quiet.

You deserve it more than her because........   ???
She deserves it more because..........???

Because she is your wife-

If it were any other way the solution was not marriage, it was buying a slave- Wait they outlawed that years ago, so don't break the law, treat her like the woman you love, not like the laborer that she's not. If you really loved her, you would make sure that you did more work than her when you are both home, and you didn't wait til you were asked to work (as if you were a child). 

Be a man. really. Do it.

All that being said- I do know that some wives are lazy bums that don't do anything- this does not necessarily apply to them. Those are the ones that will paste this on the fridge to rub it in his face.

Your wife and kids will always look up to you- will they look up to you in admiration or in fear?


Jeff Myers said...

Comments need names

ckzworld said...

I totally agree with you there. I don't have children at this point in my life yet but I've seen quite a few households that are like you stated & its totally unfair. The wife in my opinion at times might even work harder than the husband when having kids, etc...
Its not 'all about me' attitude the minute after you say 'I do'.
Thanks for sharing :)

Most critical 4 years!

As parents, we choose to have children and therefore we are obligated to sacrifice almost everything in our life to raise, teach and protect...