Wednesday, May 19, 2004

My hope is in the Lord Who gave Himself for me,
And paid the price for all my sin at Calvary.
No merit of my own His anger to suppress,
My only hope is found in Jesus' righteousness.
And now for me He stands before the Father's throne,
He shows His wounded hands, and names me as His own.
His grace has planned it all, It's mine but to believe,
And recognize His work of love and Christ receive!

Recognize that? How many of you skipped to the bottom?!

Anyone who calls themselves a Christian should believe that old hymn is true!

Also they could lay their life on the altar of sacrifice and die with Christ and then be raised to a life that is new and different from the old sin life! New and different from the world.. If they can't tell the difference from us and the world.. somethings wrong, right? I think it's time that we, as Christians, practiced "Radical Amputation" of the things that we KNOW are no in God's will! Put it this way, would Jesus do it with us? Would Jesus buy it too? Would Jesus listen to that music, would He watch that film? If we said no to any of those questions but then make an excuse that for some reason it's still ok for us to do.. We obviously aren't following Jesus Christ, to follow in His footsteps is to do as he would do if He were here! Would he pop pills or pray for healing, would he sue or pray for, would he borrow or pray for provisions, would he listen to music with unchristian themes or bad language or would he smash it as he did the money changers tables in the temple?? The answers are pretty obvious.. Now, are we Christians or do we like the benefits of calling ourselves, going through the motions but still living as the world??? It's truth time!

"I need no other argument, I need no other plea, It is enough that Jesus died, And the He died for me"

He died for me, I'll live for Him !!

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