Friday, June 04, 2004

sometime I wonder, why things happen how they happen. Or why things are as they are. But idk, the stuff I want to change won't and the stuff I want to stay, will change> That's called life, and I know that it is fair, no matter what anyone has ever said no matter who is was/is... life is fair!! Sometime we may think it is not.. But when we consider that God has EVERYTHING in control and knows what is best for our lives, how can it not be fair! God is trying to get us to repent, some of us are more stubborn than others so we need more 'prodding'. Yeh, I know, i'm insane and I make you sick, but think about it.. if i make you sick all you need to do is get rid of me and then you could get rid of the doctor too! ha . It's funny how people get their own ideas of God and salvation that are not fully supported by the Bible and then they stick to them and argue others out. Then they change their ideas and what they call truth to fit what they 'want' to do and what they 'want' to be God's will. Ok, the insanity stops here! :)

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