Saturday, April 10, 2004

Didn't get much sleep. But that's ok. Hung out with Shabana last night, we had a good time! And we got locked in the mall, how exciting! But we escaped we foudn an "authorized personnel" hallway that we got out of. But at least it wasn't boring! I don't think she is used to outlet malls like Franklin Mills tho, and yes she's a shopping freak. typical girl i guess. and yes, Shabana, i'm praying for your situation at home. So sad. But nothing we can do about it I guess. It was nice meeting her mom and aunt once again, they are cool ppl. Got a catfish for my wolf cichlid tank today, i'm not sure if he'll eat it or not.. I sure hope not. But we'll see. I leave around 430 to go to club worship I'm not exactly sure I wanted to go this month, but ppl asked me for rides... so, i'll go! Dang, there is just nothing in my yard to turn into a target today.. hmm maybe the squirrels are getting the hint.. idk!

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Most critical 4 years!

As parents, we choose to have children and therefore we are obligated to sacrifice almost everything in our life to raise, teach and protect...